Expired Date on Yogurt?
Personally, I think that spoiled yougart has either a really noticeable off-taste or has developed a mold. We have eaten fruit that was over due by 5 or 6 months.
Getting Rid of a Wart Near My Eye?
Please go to a dermatologist to have it removed. If you have insurance it will probably not be too expensive. Dont take chances with you face and around your eyes.
Is Your US Post Office Designated For Closure?
I am speechless! I live in Kenner, LA, about 5 miles from the New Orleans line. The only post office in this area of 800,000 to 1,000,000 is going to be in a not so nice area in downtown New Orleans!
How can you tell if a roly poly is a girl or a boy?
Re: mosquitoes, Females are the only bloodsuckers, males eat fruit, Nolasandy
Mayhaw Jelly Recipe?
I have made the jelly using these same ingredients, and it all is good but not tart. Maybe I could try adding some lemon juice or something. I am still searching for a Tart Mayhaw Jelly Recipe. Thanks to all who answered. Nolasandy
Have Doctor Check Your Magnesium Level
Please dont take magnesium without first consulting your doctor! You can really mess up your electrolytes and become seriously ill. It is a great drug when used as needed, but can have serious repercussions if misused.
Removing Oxidation From Vehicle Headlights?
I understand there is a product at motorcycle places like Harleys that have a product for the motorbikes that is excellent to clean the headlights. I dont know the name, but Im sure you can ask and find out.
Keeping Cats From Using Dog's Pet Door?
When she meows to go out, gently push her through the door. She will soon get the message. Did this with my sisters little dog that was here to visit. You have to get up anyway. She will know to come back through if you dont let her in. They really are pretty...
Hand Cream Recipe for Extra Dry Skin
I have check at all my Wal-marts and they only carry a Vitamin E oil, not the cream. Any suggestions where I might find Vitamin E Cream? Thanks, Nolasandy
Recipe For Girl Scout Soup?
These recipes are what I remembered. It just didnt taste quite the same - Ground Beef, Canned Veg. Soup, and Onions. I guess its more the memories and you have to be in a great woodsey camp with a campfire and a bunch of friends to make it taste the same. Thanks...
Recipe For Girl Scout Soup?
Thanks, Kayrayriggs, it was just basic soup, onions, S&P and ground beef. This sounds good though.
White Iodine for Weak Fingernails
Yes, it is medically safe, Ive checked with my Doctors and Pharmacists (they all thought I was crazy). You dont absorb that much in your system. And after the first week, you only use it a couple of times a week. Like on a Boo Boo. Also, It really is colorless...
White Iodine for Weak Fingernails
Hi Christa, Yes, white iodine is the same as decolorized iodine ( or colorless or clear). Nolasandy
Avocado Salad Dressing
Does using buttermilk help the avocadoes not get dark? I was thinking about when you make homemake buttermilk with 1 T. lemon juice and 1 cup of milk. I just wondered if the same principal would apply.
Medium Rare Steak Recipe?
Judi, This sounds like what I was looking for. Cant wait to try it! Thanks, Sandy
What Cleaning Products Do You Use?
Thanks all for your suggestions. As I dont seem to tolerate the vineger scent very well, I was hoping to find a ready made product that I could purchase. Especially for the kitchen with antibacterial functions. Thanks again for all of your help. Sandy
What Cleaning Products Do You Use?
Thanks to everyone who answered regarding cleaning materials. However, I am most interested in commercial products that are already mixed; such as Fantastic and Tilex. I have medical problems that prevent me from using a lot of Elbow Grease. Does anyone have...
Why Is Dawn Detergent Recommended So Often?
The comment of Dawn being used during the Valdez Oil Spill is true. Here in New Orleans when BP had an off-shore oil rig explode and thousands of oil messed up our whole Gulf Coast, many different kinds of animals were trapped in large pools of sticky oil. When...