Shelf Life of Powdered Hot Chocolate Mix?
My understanding of the sell by date is that it is the last date the manufacturer will guarantee the product is of the same quality of the day it was packaged. So all it means is that after that date the quality will slowly degrade. Most packaged or canned...
Egg Mc Muffins
Sounds really good ... and easy! Just need one bit of information. You say to bake for 10 minutes but neglected to mention temperature!
Freeze Rice In Serving Sizes
Just curious, does this method work for white rice only or for brown or wild rice as well?
Distilling Water at Home?
Supposedly putting a bottle of unclean water in a clear plastic bottle for a day will allow the suns ultraviolet rays kill off bacteria in the water. It would still need to be filtered to remove any particulates. That being said, the water would still contain...
Growing Tomatoes in Containers?
I made self watering containers out of 5 gallon buckets. For me this has avoided rot. I add a calcium tablet and a few paper match heads to the hole where the tomatoes will go, cover them with an inch or so of soil and then insert the tomato plant. One plant...
Link: Free Wireless Router For Comcast Customers
You left out an important detail. You must already be a Comcast High-Speed Internet customer.
Planning a Thanksgiving Without Family?
You are aware it is called Thanksgiving and not national watch football day. Does his mother have an alternative to YOU fixing Thanksgiving dinner at her house. Could you prepare a meal and bring it to her and visit with her for a while? Is there anyone else...
Solar Powered Battery Charger
Thanks for the kind words. Just out of curiosity I borrowed a meter to read the voltage of the batteries. Starting with the batteries almost completely drained and putting them in the unit during the daylight hours of bright sunshine, it took about 18 hours...
Math Homework Help?
Check out this site. The guy offers hundreds of short clips of about 5-8 minutes explaining all manner of math stuff. I have no connection to the place but did find it interesting.
Skin So Soft as an Insect Repellent?
Had no effect on me or any member of my family other than to make them feel slippery.
Buying a GPS?
When doing your research, check to see what it takes to have the battery changed or replaced. Some will charge you as much as $80 to replace a battery! I presently have the one from the Mio that has the voice of the guy from the old Knight Rider series. It...
Buying a GPS?
Here is a link you might find of interest. Its be a group that reports about a game called geo-caching where you use your GPS to find stuff and of course, leave something behind.
What is a Natural Remedy for Keeping Animals Out of My Gardens?
If you are troubled by deer or rabbits eating plants in your garden, try this inexpensive spray. Whisk one egg with 1 cup water; pour into a 1 quart pistol grip spray bottle. Add 1 tsp dish soap. Fill rest with water. Set outside in the sun for about 3 days...
Business Name Ideas for a Bakery and Ice Cream Shop?
Hot N Cold Buns N Stuff Hot Buns and Ice Cream Buns and Cream Maybe these poor examples will give you and idea of your own. Good Luck!
My Dogs Won't Eat Dog Food Only Human Food?
We used to have a dog like that. But I found it quite easy to fool her. I put her dog food in a dish on the dining table. And when we were done eating I would scoop some of it onto my plate. Then, carrying the plate so she could see me, I would scrape it from...
Re-read The Books You Have
I have been re-reading my collection of SF paperback books, some dating back to the late 50s when they sold for 25 or 35 cents! Nearly all of them are as if I was reading them for the first time. Quite amazing the change in writing styles over the last 50-60...
Lime Kale Chips
Not being a cook, I have just one question. Why the use of waxed paper on something that is going in the oven? Wont the wax sort of melt off and get on the chips? Why not just put them directly on the pan?
Getting Personal Information from an Email Address?
You can get a free e-mail address at,, and others. I have a couple of them that I use for very specific people. They do not require to list a legal name of any sort, nor any postal address. I have lately been experimenting with...
Trash Bin as Rain Barrel
I built my rain barrel system (three barrels daisy chained together) back in 2002 and it has worked flawlessly! I do drain them in the winter to avoid freezing the spigot (I live in West Michigan where it does get cold in the winter). I have window screen as...
Help With Speech for Receiving a Business Student Award?
Appropriate humor is fine but dont overdo it. The first time I had to accept an award, I got up on stage and reached into my sport coat jacket inside pocket and pulled out a roll of typewriter paper that was just going to trash. I taped several sheets together...
How Do I Reduce Weight Around the Waist?
Try my brother-in-laws diet which is simple. If it tastes good, spit it out. Nothing to it. (smile)
Netflix Instant Movies on Your Wii
We received a Wii for Christmas and my wife and I enjoy some of the games on it. I have been a Netflix subscriber for several years and I asked for one of the discs to play some of their movies on my TV by using the Wii. I was quite pleasantly surprised at...
Growing Peppers in Containers?
Im in West Michigan, zone 5 I think. I have very good success using what is referred to as Self Watering Containers. I use 5 gallon food grade plastic buckets that I get from a pizza shop. If you are not familiar with Self Watering Containers they are a container...
What is Sugar Cane?
As sugar comes from sugar cane OR sugar beets, I would guess that cane sugar comes from sugar cane. There could be additional reasons for naming it but I cant think of any off hand.
Including Meat or Animal Products in Compost?
Rats! Trust me, you do not want an infestation of rats! So no meat or meat byproducts.
Using Borax in a Front Load Washer?
Interesting but leaves me a couple of questions. First, HOW MUCH borax do you suggest adding per wash load? Second, I have a top loader machine that is several years old. Can I just lift the lid after it is done filling with water and sprinkle some on the load...
Email Account for Passwords
I use a small data storage program that is password protected. In it I have stored all the web sites, passwords, userids etc. that I use. The only person who knows the password is myself and my lawyer. When I need a password, just launch the program and find...
Estimating Appliance and Home Electronics Energy Usage?
A few years ago I bought a gadget called, I think, a Kill-a-Watt. You plugged your device into it and then the Killawatt thing into your outlet. I would leave it in place for 24 hours and then check to see how much juice was used. It was an eye-opener to see...
Internet Connection Intermittent When E-mailing
Its difficult to answer your question without knowing what kind of computer and operating system you are using. That being said, I can only relate an experience I had many years ago. My computer (with a version of Windows that I dont recall), had a network...
Send E-Cards Instead of Greeting Cards
I never open these E-cards unless the person sending it lets me know via Email or something that they have sent it. Most of the ones that I get are spam or phishing or worse, contain a virus program. Be very, very careful of E-cards!
Roof Heating Cables?
I have them along the north side of my house. I plug them in when it is close to thawing or slightly above. That way as the snow melts it will have a place to drain away and not back up under the shingles. I dont keep it plugged in other than that.
Does Rain-X Really Work?
My experience ... so so. It made the wipers wipe a LOT clearer. But I still had to use them. Perhaps not as much if the rain is a light mist but if it is coming down hard, I still need the wipers on.
Reviews of the Windshield Cleaner Wand?
I bought one in a drug store so it might not be the exact same thing. But I am very happy with it. This one has a handle that you can adjust the length. I dont smoke but the interior windshield always gets some sort of film on it (from the air?). The wand, slightly...
Use Leaves for Free Fertilizer
Most leaves do have some nutrients. Unfortunately for me, I am surrounded by Red Oaks. According to the local master gardeners, these leaves have almost NO nutrients. Now this does not mean they are worthless. I mulch mine and work them into areas of my garden...
Hiding Electrical Cord Clutter?
The best method is looping then into a loose figure 8 which you can them zip tie into a bundle. DONT make them into coils as that has the chance of generating a magnetic field. I had a problem with my vcr that would get wavy lines in anything I recorded but...
Easy Crab Chowder
Please clarify for the novices like me. You said one can of milk. Is this a can of condensed milk, skim milk, whole milk, powdered milk? Did you mean that after you have emptied the can of soup into the pan, fill the same can with regular milk? It sounds like...
Collecting Social Security Benefits?
I was told when I retired in 2000 that a rule of thumb sort of depended on your health and how many more years you expect to live. In my case they (speaker from SS admin) that if I thought I would live MORE than 13 years after retirement, to wait until 65. If...
Homemade Cough Remedies?
My suggestion is only for adults. It works for me but may not work for you. OK, at bedtime and I get a coughing spasm, I get out some 80 proof (or better) bourbon and pour my self a shot. Then I drink it down, swallowing slowly! It does burn a bit going down...
Preventing Neighbors from Using Wifi?
I dont use Linksys as I use Apples Airport Wireless. But, as I understand it, you should be able to specify an encryption to use so that only you and your three computers can use it. Check with the earlier link for more info. My wireless connection is encrypted...
Growing Corn in a Raised Bed
Did you really mean 6 FEET deep? That would take a LOT of compost and potting soil. Like 384 cubic feet of materials! Does corn really grow roots that deep?
Growing Corn in a Raised Bed
Six inches is lot more believable (grin). I thought perhaps you were growing some of those Jack in the Beanstalk giant ears of corn LOL Appreciate hearing the correction.
Installing A Digital Converter Box?
I have one installed at a cottage where reception is not the greatest! The old analog signals, while grainy, were watchable and I got all four of our local stations. Since the switch to digital, I now get only two. When I contacted the local digital questions...
Installing A Digital Converter Box?
Forgot to mention, I just ran the antenna wire to the converter box and from there to the TV. Very simple to set up and use.
Rescan TV Setup To Get Digital Channels
Rescan did nothing for me. Two channels that I used to get that had a poor to fair (but watchable) picture, show up as nothing for digital. When i called the provided help number, I was told essentially that a good signal means a good picture with digital; a...
Buying Internet Explorer 8?
I switched to the free browser Firefox and have never looked back. This was a couple of years ago and it continues to improve!
Watching TV Without Disturbing Others?
The set I use has a little transmitter station that plugs into the audio out jack in the (usually) back of the TV. This broadcasts the sound to your earphone receiver independent of the volume control so you can turn the sound completely off and your headphones...
Natural Remedies for Tinnitus?
I dont know if you would call this a remedy but it worked for me. Briefly, I gave up ALL caffeine. After a few months I noticed a sharp reduction in the ringing in my ears. All caffeine includes chocolate which I dearly loved. No medicine or anything involved...
2 Litre Bottle Hanging Tomato Planter?
Check out this link to the cheapvegetablegardener Illustrates exactly what you are looking for. I plan on trying this one next week.
Lazy Day Pork Chops
The recipe sounds good and Id like to try it, but please indicate the SIZE of cans of stewed and diced tomatoes. 8 ounce, 16 ounce, 32 ounce or does the amount used change depending on how many pork chops you are doing? Im a guy and a retired computer geek...
Planting a Garden on Top of Concrete?
(format_html)Take a look at the New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. This method will let you have a garden on almost any surface! The book also goes into raised bed gardening and also table top gardens for people in wheelchairs or who have difficulties...
Growing Plants in Gravelly Soil?
Rather than trying to grow things is terrible soil, you would be much better off looking into New Square Foot Gardening, also known as raised bed gardening. In the square foot method, you make 4-ft square frames out of untreated 2 x 6 lumber and fill this with...
Plants That Grow Well in Rocky Ground?
Rather than busting your back trying to improve the clay and rocks, take a look at All New Square Foot Gardening by Mel Bartholomew. In brief, you construct 4 foot by 4 foot frames out of 2 by 6 or 2 by 8 UNTREATED wood. Fill with his planting soil mixture...
Applying Garden Tonics with a Sprayer?
Just because it says to use a 20 gallon sprayer does NOT mean you have to fill it full! Just mix the amount you need in the sprayer and have at it. With the sprayer less than full only means you will have to pump more air into it to begin spraying. I frequently...
Cooking Venison Without the Gamey Taste?
My personal experience has been to trim ALL the fat and silver skin (that is the silver colored membrane over parts of the meat). Depending on the cut of meat, I also try to remove the sinew as that makes it easier to chew, especially when making venison jerky...