Pudding Cake?
Here is my moms version of Pudding Cake. She just made this the other day...it is one of my favorites from growing up. I hope that this is what you were looking for. Anita Make a box of flavored Jello according to package directions and set aside (DO NOT refrigerate...
Homemade Dust Repellent
Thanks so much! I cant wait to try it. Blessings, Anita Elmore The phrase God is good cannot be reserved for those moments when life turns out the way we had hoped. -- Stacy and Paula Rinehart
Bailey (Labrador Retriever)
What a cutie! I love the look on Baileys face! I need to get my rear in gear and get some pics of my babies posted too. God Bless, Anita If God leads you to it, He will lead you through it!
Store Wrapping Paper Inside the Roll
What an awesome tip! I am forever getting aggrevated because my wrapping paper unravels. I dont know why this never occured to me! Thanks so much for sharing. Also, maybe you coud tape or rubber band a piece of paper to one end so that it doesnt fall out. Just...
Dishes Made Simple
I would really like to see a picture of this with instructions also! Sounds like a great idea!