Name Ideas for a Custom Decal and Design Business?
Decals R Yours custom decals and designs made by you
Removing a Melted Chapstick Stain on Clothing?
Goo off makes a product for clothing and for different types of stains may try that or try windex spray it on let it soak for couple minutes rinse and wash
Removing Mold and Staining on Older Kenmore Fridge?
Bleach first for the mold and magic erasers work wonders
Removing Mold and Staining on Older Kenmore Fridge?
Bleach first for the mold and magic erasers work wonders
Value of a Leather Bound Set of Encyclopedia Britannica?
Can you tell me what edition it is because each edition set is a different price
Shaving Hair on Arms and Hands?
Hello young lady I completely understand your dilemma and I hope my advice will help and that youll beable to change your mothers mind you deserve to not be picked on and embarrassed and if its something that you can change and would change things for you whats...
Value of a Folding Rocking Chair?
(Costa Rican leather mahogany rocker) I believe this isthe same one you have. There are quit a few different online stores and Ebay that have this particular one and or similar . On this particular site tbis chair is selling for 250$ other sites more offers...
Name Ideas for an Ice Cream Shop?
I have 2 ideas for a name for your shop ... Scoops N Stuff Or BIG SCOOPS N GOODIES
Removing Pink Mold Stains From Boat Seats?
Magic Eraser or theres this big pink bar of soap called Zotes found in the 99 cent store get a toothbrush some warm water dip for toothbrush in the water then n take it and scrub it on the bar of soap till it gets soapy and then to the pink spots .. might also...
Hanging Curtains?
Ive done it and it looked amazing..I head some white lace curtains with flowers and plain teal curtains I tookmy lace curtains right under the seam that makes the top border and the space for the curtain rod or the rings for hooks or rod I fabric glued the...
Hanging Curtains?
So what I did was took my lace curtain and attached the top of it to the top border of my teal curtain with some fabric glue and let fall freely at the bottom and the reason I usedthe fabric glue was so that I could easily detach the two if I wanted to change...
My Backyard (Lytle Creek, CA)
Your very welcome and I love building up the rocks to make ponds to sit in and let the dogs play in. Very cool memory thanks for sharing
Daisy Duke (Terrier Mix)
Yeah thats Sally my moms pup shes a year younger than daisy theyve grown up so far together, daisy is sallys best friend