Dog Has Odor Even After Bathing?
Diet & infection. Dogs tend to smell more or less depending on what they eat. Raw fed dogs tend to smell less most often as they are eating their proper diet and thus arent having body chemistry balance issues. Infection can be bacterial or yeast/fungal. Diet...
Dealing With a Verbally Abusive Husband?
HI Jess, Sorry that you are going through this. Sounds like you need to become stronger, and do for yourself. Join a exercise group, like Jazzercise. If you volunteer for babysitting, you can join for basically free, and have care for your child as well (plus...
Controlling Kitty Litter Odor With Baking Soda?
Baking soda is fine to use in a liter box. Generally if your cat is eating healthy food and enough water and the box is kept clean there should not be any odor. I find that people who use the clay liter, and only feed low quality dry food, the liter smells...
Cleaning Black Marks on the Outside of a Refrigerator?
Usually bleach or a magic eraser will get rid of those stains. I find that usually the stains on fridge handles are because people do not wash their hand prior to handling food, or using anything in the kitchen.
Easy to Manage Hair Styles for Young Girls?
HI Luke: Ask your girls what they would like. It would be hard on them if you made them cut their hair so short. Hair is very important for girls of all ages. Its all about compromise, maybe just get a trim. Its a little easier to handle shoulder length hair...
Ham and Potato Frittata
Thumbs up! This is a fantastic recipe. Very Frugal! I make this all the time and we have it with home made Salsa.
Third Wedding Attendance Etiquette?
Why wouldnt you support your brother? Isnt that what Family is for? if I had a brother, no matter what the circumstance are, I would attend and so would my husband and my kids.
Pork Chop Recipe from Lifesaver Cookbook: Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers 1976?
I have the Meats cookbook 1966 from the Favorite Recipes of Home Economics Teachers. I think this is the recipe you are looking for. Porch Chops and Rice Seasonings to taste 5 pork chops 2/3C uncooked rice 1 can tomatoes (you can use stewed) 1 large onion sliced...
Using River Rocks to Make Employee Appreciation Gifts?
Glenda: Honestly, I would be totally insulted. You would do better with donuts in the am, a catered lunch, a paid day off, gift certificates, scratch off Lotto tickets or even better, raises.
Buying Mistake Paint For Less Than Half Price?
Ive seen paint at Garage Sales, Estate Sales, Thrift Stores., church garage sales are the best! Some of the Habitat for Humanities have a re-sale store, and Goodwill or the Salvation Army have re-sale stores also. Good Luck
Using a Self Cleaning Oven Without Instructions?
If your oven is really dirty and greasy you may want to clean it first with oven cleaner. If you turn on your self cleaning oven on when your oven is very greasy, your home will get VERY smokey and your smoke alarms will go off. Plus it stinks!
Craft Ideas for Hospital Activities Department?
You could make rice warmers. I used a tube sock, cut off the feet, sew up one end, then filled with rice, sew it closed. Heat this in the microwave for 2 minutes, and you have an instant heating pad.
Use Natural Lice Shampoo For Fleas
I have to agree with the other posters. I would never use alternative flea treatments for my pets. I would never go to a garden center and purchase a aphid poison to steam into my carpets. This could be fatal to your family and your pets. You could inadvertently...
Removing Musty Odor from a Photo Album?
You could scan the pictures and print on nice new photo paper.
How Do You Clean Baked On Food on a Pyrex Casserole Dish?
Barkeepers Friend, at any grocery store, near the Comet and Ajax cleansers. Works Great! Good Luck
Keeping a House Organized While Renovating?
First of all Congratulations on your new home! I would definitely get some plastic tarps and try to block off the rooms that are being worked on to minimize the dust. The drywall dust is a nightmare. It will get on everything! You may want to even cover your...
Great Dane Needs to Gain Weight?
Satin Ball recipe for dogs who wont eat This recipe is for dogs who desperately need calories and need to put on weight, but who have no appetite. It sounds yucky, but when these are done they are really appealing, even to me. In my experience, this is a kind...
Moldy Smell on Clothes?
Other than thoroughly washing/drying your clothes..... You can get Damp Rid, at any grocery/hardware store in your area. It helps collect moisture, and they are not very expensive. Just hang it in the closet, and when the bag is full you just throw it away...
Octagon Soap Wrapper Dishes?
If there is a stamp or a mark on the bottoms of the dishes, you may find the manufacturer.
Getting Rid of Mildew Smell in Home?
I had the same problem, we had a leak under my kitchen cabinets, and some of the wood had gotton some mold on it. We repaired the leaks, sprayed straight Clorex Bleach. I bought Damp Rid at the grocery store. All you do is hang it up, and it collects the moisture...
Eliminating Musty Smells From a Room?
Could be a plumbing issue. I had a musty smell in a bedroom, and found that there was a leak in the cold water supply pipe under the bathroom sink. Had to rip out the sheet rock and have a plumber fix the leak. I bought Damp Rid at the hardware store, and the...