Propane Grill Igniter Tip
Oops! Forgot something! Please use the hottest water you can handle for your cleaning solution. The powders will dissolve and clean much better!
Can I Still Start Seeds?
Thank you VERY much! Am planting seeds and keeping them warm as its still too cold at night. Thanks again :D
Putting Hair in a Ponytail?
Thank you all! I think I found the remedy: I wrap the thicker sized ponytail holder twice, normally--then, on the third time, I just pull the hair out halfway as a loop. This keeps my hair from being too tight on my head and also makes a clean looking little...
Garden: Kitchen Cabbage
Excellent post! Where can we get napa cabbage in frozen Baltimore City, Maryland? What other kinds do you think we can use? Cant wait to try this! Thanks
Older Dog is Having Health Problems?
Please contact a local rescue group and ask them who is a gentle & kind, awake & on the ball vet they can recommend. Rescues handle hundreds of dogs and they can suggest one for you. Those folks are militant about those pooches, trust me! This new vet can explain...
Has Anyone Used DMSO?
Christine....please take a moment to read the cautions on Physicians Desk Reference. Other folks experiences are great for symptoms & dosages. This is why I love ThriftyFun :D (u)
Push Mower Carburetor Not Working?
Hi! Whats the make & model number, year of birth? Carb cleaning is pretty easy, dont worry.
DVD Player Not Playing DVDs?
First thing to do is write down the name, make, model & serial numbers and go over to WWW(dot)Fixya(dot)com Not only did I find the answer to my new dvd player not-working-problem, but the forums folks explained where to find the problem area & how to fix it...
Washing a Down Jacket?
Oh! I forgot to ask, what is a good soap/detergent to use for the feathers? I really thank you for your feedbacks!
Save Blog Entries Before Posting
Excellent post! I just started doing this religiously. I mean, like yesterday. For the same reason, or if the site/form timed out. How many times have I pulled out my hair?!? It might be taken for granted with lots of folks, but Ive just learned that a wireless...
Removing Rusted Washer Hose?
I agree with MCW! We prefer CRC spray lube; but WD-40 certainly will work great here. Use the red plastic pipe that the sprays come with, to get right onto the top of the threads. Also, use an absorbent rag to envelope the target area youre spraying so it doesnt...
Sticker Remover Made Plastic Cloudy?
Please go to a auto parts store and get the Permatex Headlight (restore?) Kit. Its got a cleaner & a finish solution, and several small sheets of fine grain sandpaper. Plus, full instructions. Its not too expensive and it really does the trick. Thats where...
Gluing Glass Blocks Together?
If you want to permanently affix just about anything to just about everything, try Liquid Nails. After it dries, its odorless. You wont need anything and the glass blocks will fail before it does.
My Dog Died Suddenly?
Hi Debbie, Im Evelyn and my moms foster little old pesty senior Cairns from a rescue. Its tough being a Labbie mix around this herd, but I guess I like them. We want you to know we are all thinking of you and we send you lots of doggie smooches and big condolences...
Use Your Old TV for a Security System
Extremely Excellent Idea! Well, we are wondering who has been throwing trash, chewing gum & cigarette butts onto our yard & driveway in a (i)seemingly nice(/i) city neighborhood. With a VCR hookup, this will definitely do the trick! Thanks for sharing!
Using the End of the Deodorant Stick
Wonderful idea! I tried this before, but gave up because the melted deoderant dripped through the opening at the bottom and just about emptied out. Now that Ive seen your suggestion anew, I will stop up the bottom with something to prevent that! Thanks!
Cleaning Hard to Clean Glass
THIS is my exact same problem! NOTHING worked. I am going downstairs now, to try this :D thanks!
Folger's FREE "Tupperware"
Ok, dont laugh! We foster a small herd of elderly Cairn Terriers + our Labbie mix. We use my Folgers cannisters for easy-to-grab poop containers. We announce Poop Patrol! and they even go with us. Its excercise for me, bending up & down, and a couple helpers...