15 Year Wants to Sleep at Her Boyfriend's House?
I allow my daughters BF (16 years old) to sleep over. They live 40 minutes apart. She can likewise stay at his house. They are not having sex yet but I know they will eventually. And I am fine with it because: teens have sex. It is a normal part of healthy...
15 Year Wants to Sleep at Her Boyfriend's House?
And just because a teen is sexually active it does not mean they are bad, non- respectable, slutty etc. these remnants ftom Victorian era thru 1950s sterotypes need to disappear. If you would judge my childs character as a human being based on what she does...
15 Year Wants to Sleep at Her Boyfriend's House?
Ever hear of contraception and abortion. Sex does not have to equal baby. Only for those who are willfully ignorant and refuse to speak to their teens about safe sex. Pretending you can prevent teen sex is no foolproof way to make sure it doesnt happen.
15 Year Wants to Sleep at Her Boyfriend's House?
Who are you to say a 15 year old has no business being in a serious relationship? I know many people who met their future spouses at this young age and younger and are still happily married. They didnt destroy their lives or futures. You should give teens more...