How Do I Get Rid of Mealy Bugs on House Plants?
My Jerry Baker book said to spray your plants with Alcohol (rubbing alcohol). Ive been doing it, and it doesnt seem to hurt the plants and the bugs certainly became much less prominent. Then I kind of quit and forgot about it for a few weeks and they came back...
Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow?
I think (though I may be wrong) that its getting too much water. I keep killing my cactus because I insist on watering them even if its only every few weeks. Ive read that you should never water them, just spray them once or twice a week with water. Good luck...
Quick and Easy Recipes?
Email me, Ill send you some specific quick easy recipes. Simple but quick and good. shelli.martin AT
Sticky Rice Recipe?
No offense to anyone, but overcooked regular rice is NOT sticky rice. My mother thought the same thing and thought she was eating it until she had some real sticky rice. Ive only seen it sold at the Asian stores and you should be able to just ask them for Sticky...
Getting Rid of Subterranean (Ground) Termites?
I would highly suggest gettting some chickens and/or ducks. I have a regular size residential back yard that includes approx 20 x 40 vegetable garden. Im a first time chickener and have 4 small banty chickens and you can hardly find a bug in my garden or yard...
Chili is Too Spicy?
You can add baking powder to it and it will cut the heat quite a bit. Although if you use too much you will taste the baking soda.
Growing a Loofa Sponge?
Joyce, I saw those plants (seeds) in the garden catalogue from R.H. Shumway.
Use Masking Tape to Make Seed Tapes
Great idea! Sounds easier than cutting strips of newspaper and mixing flour glue. When you try to roll those up theyre bulky. However, one more tip - get a toothpick wet and touch the seed. It will pick them up. You can even pick up one teeny, tiny seed this...