When Do You Stop Giving Christmas Gifts to Adult Nieces and Nephews?
With my nephews I stopped when they got in late teens probably and they understood. I dont expect a gift from them either, that is for their immediate family I feel. I give to my parents, my brother, and sister, but not to any of the grown nephews/nieces. I...
Managing Cords on Kitchen Counters?
I will gently bundle the excess up and tie it with a trash bag tie. I do this under my computer too to help manage all the cords as they drive me crazy if I dont.
Getting Children To Brush Their Teeth?
Something I did was find some really nasty, graphic pictures of decayed and rotting teeth on the net to show them to help them visually understand this is what can happen to your teeth if you do not brush properly. Also, maybe if you get one of the battery...
Removing CD Scratches With Toothpaste?
No. Am still trying to find something that works to remove them too.
Transitioning a Cat Back to Solid Foods?
I agree that you should probably consult your vet if you have not already, but I will tell you that our 3 y/o cat recently developed a very serious illness and we thought she was going to die. The vet was not certain what it was even. She stopped eating or...
Feeding a Child With Allergies?
http://www.delphiforums.com/ Do a search for allergies. There is a forum for Infants and Toddlers with allergies that will come up. Will have a place for recipes on the forum. Good Luck.
Best Shampoo for Bathing Dachshunds?
I had a Dachshund and I bathed him in baby shampoo or some type of baby wash; something mild. I had to really rinse him over and over and over even with that or he would dig and scratch and his skin would flake from being dry. The key was the rinsing. Hope...
Sleeping Better Without Medications?
The 3 things that I would suggest is warm milk before bed, a cool or warm cloth over your eyes, and a fan or some kind of white noise going in the room. These are some of the things that help me the most when I cannot sleep. Hope it helps.
Bookcase Doll House?
Thanks! If I ever get the thing finished I will post a picture of the finished house. Just have one room left I think. Anyway, thanks again!
Ink on a Microfiber Vera Bradley Bag?
I wonder if you could use hair spray like you would on clothing?
How Much Should a Chihuahua Weigh?
I have a chi too that had papers with him and he is about 8+ pounds now at 9 months old. He is kind of long in his body though. He has ears just like your little dog...nuthin but ears really, LOL! I was not totally convinced that he was purebred, but like I...
Eating Wheat Makes My Stomach Feel Bloated?
I would definitely go to the doctor and get them to do the initial blood work for celiac. If you do have celiac and it goes undiagnosed you could be at a greater risk for intestinal/rectal carcinoma not to mention just the damage that it will do to the lining...
Neighbor Rinsing Dog Waste under the Fence?
You could call your local police and talk with someone there about the situation and I would also call a lawyer and see what options you have. I also agree with calling the health department. The more authoratative voices you have to back you up the better...
Ideas for a Beginning Sewer?
You could also check with your local library and see if they offer classes. Our library has quilting classes and other craft classes.
Popping Microwave Popcorn Without a Microwave?
Sure you can, scrape the popcorn stuff out of the bag into a good sized pan with a lid. Heat it up on the stove top gently shaking it back and forth every once in a while. Once it starts popping continue to shake it back and forth over the heat while it pops...
Recipes for a Celiac Diet?
This is a link to a wonderful site with loads of recipes on there. Also if you go to www.celiac.com there are loads of info and recipes there as well. http://forums.delphiforums.com/celiac Hope this helps.
Recipes for a Celiac Diet?
Is there a way to privately email you? Might be easier....here are some recipes I love and I use Betty Hagmans original GF flour with the white rice flour, potato starch flour, and tapioca flour blended together. CORNSTARCH BISCUITS 1/3 C shortening 1/2 C potato...
What Breed is My Dog?
My little dog looks a little like yours, but he is mixed with a toy poodle, of all things, and I believe he is more terrier than schnauzer. We know for sure the mother is a toy poodle, but they are unsure about the breed of the father. My little dogs fur is...