Super Easy Confetti Popcorn
This cant be good for you...ha. I am not sure I like the look of the color combination, perhaps appetizing to a child though. To each his or her own!
Ruby (Border Collie)
My husband had two border collies. They kept each other company and played together ...getting rid of some of all that energy they have. Maybe you need a second one? Ha... and he says they are definitely the smartest dogs alive too. Thanks for sharing.
Alert Regarding Malware TrojanHorse: DNS Changer
This tip was on the local not sure why it should be a contest contender.
Homemade Remedy for Ants Inside?
Sprinkle baby powder along baseboards and across door entrances. They will not cross over. I stopped them from coming into the kitchen by sprinkling a bit of powder across the doorway into the kitchen.
Getting Rid of Tiny Flying Black Bugs?
Sounds like fruit flies. Do you have fruit in a bowl on the counter? Bananas? Is the weather warm? Clean off surfaces with soapy water and remove over-ripened fruit. I take vinegar and water solution and wipe off my countertops, etc.
Ideas Daughter's 12th Birthday?
Are you saying you dont want a party? I use to really enjoy planning my girls birthday parties when they were younger. Think outside the box... in July? Have a Halloween Party! or one of my girls favourites... Backwards Party. The invites are printed backwards...
Cleaning a Smelly Washing Machine?
Fill the washer with water, add a full bottle (l liter, 1 quart) of white vinegar and run thru a cycle.
Pink Wegelia (Dartmouth, Nova...
To continue the instructions above for making a new shrub from the main one... wait a full season before unearthing the buried part of the branch. You should find tiny little roots growing out from it. This is the time to cut it away from the main plant. Take...
Use Wine Bottles In Stained Glass
There is a place in Prince Edward Island, Canada that this man spent years and years making buildings/structures from old bottles. It is totally amazing.
Epsom Salts For Fabric Softener
Question? You mention towels...but can you use it for other clothes in the wash?
Using White Grout Reviver Pens?
I bought something called Tile Works at a local hardware type store. It is grout re-whitener and found it works very well for doing all the grout around the tiles on the wall and easy to use. My friend has used the whitening pens and swears by them, says they...
Foods Safe For Dogs?
I dont think human foods are good for dogs digestive system, and chocolate IS poison to dogs.
Pizza Box Left White Heat Mark on Table?
I had that happen when my mother set her hot tea cup on my dining room wood table. The heat penetrates the surface of the shine finish, very, very hard to remove without a professional to do it, but there are some things you can try. Google search and get the...
Use Heating Pad When Letting Dough Rise
I think as well one must be careful even with the setting on low ... too high of a heat can kill the yeast. Also dont leave unattended (electrical appliance).
Removing Yellow Rodent Urine Stains on White Clothing?
Well, unless this is a very sentimental or very expensive piece of clothing, I would just pitch it. If you cant get the stain completely out, do you want to wear something that has mouse urine on it (even if it is not so noticeable)? Just a thought...
Removing Odors From Jars
I had an old school year book and baby albums that had been in a box, they got a bit of a musty smell. I layered sheets of newspaper between the pages here and there throughout the books. Put these inside a small white kitchen garbage bag, then waded up a few...
Wildlife: Rhinoceros (Rietvlei Nature Reserve,...
Great picture. Thanks for sharing. I feel saddened that there are so many cases of people disrespecting nature and the earth. It usually always comes down to how much money they can make from their terrible deeds. Those people are lost and dont know the true...
Inexpensive Cosmetic Bags
Quite often you can find cosmetic/other small zipped pouches of various shapes, color selections at thrift shops... I know - some of you might not want pre-owned but I always check that section when shopping at the thrift shops and have found brand new , unused...
Suggestions for a Light Sleeper?
I have tried drinking hot milk about an hour before bedtime, this really seems to help. Try it several nights before giving up on this idea.
Organizing Bracelets
I found a mug tree at a thrift shop. They were popular in the 70s to hold your coffee mugs. The wooden dowels sticking out from a large one in a base. You can hang several bracelets on this.
Name Ideas for a Cake Decorating Business?
EDIBLE ART CAKES By Denise Hope this name takes the cake! And although Patty Cakes is a great name, her name is Denise...ummm
Scenery: Atlantic Ocean (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Yes indeed, our ocean can be brutal one day and calm and serene the next. Glad you can feel the cold blast of winter in the shot, because it was freezing. I was being blown backwards trying to take a few shots.
Removing Musty Smell From Books
I agree about donating the books. Some books passed down from one generation to the next are usually stored in a box because the owner just cant be the one to throw them out. Then down the line when time passes more and they are musty they are forced to make...
Vinyl Record Cuff Bracelet
Great and unique idea but my concern is the toxic side of things when the vinyl plastic is heated. I dont think I would want to cook in the oven after using it for this project, might be an idea to check the safety of this further.
Scar Remedies?
Well, you can purchase Scar Zone ointment cream from the pharmacy, comes in a tube. It helps fade and soften scar tissue if used on a regular basis for a few weeks. This might help over time lessen the noticeablity of the scar. Then apply a wee bit of facial...
Getting Rid of Coyotes?
We have had a problem in our province this year with coyotes coming too close to humans and actually being quite aggressive. There has even been one death due to a coyote attack while someone was hiking. Do you have small pets (cat), if so keep inside and protect...
Panty Hose to Keep Ceiling Fan Clean
The white blades in the kitchen ceiling fan were quite hard to clean I must say... ended up doing the best I could and eventually buy a new one. Not sure about this idea but worth it for people to try. It is not just the blades that get dirty though, the interior...
Save Hardware From Old Purses
Do you have any photos of the purses you have made? Do you use a special sewing machine, to sew the leather, heavier fabrics, etc?