Wow I never think it that way, this is really a mind changing, thanks a lot for this, really appreciate it.
Making Hollandaise Sauce?
The recipe I use is the recipe we always see on internet. Egg yolk, lemon, whisk them then add melted butter, seasoned.
Making Hollandaise Sauce?
I make some research and look like the reason is the egg and how I whisk. Somebody at my kitchen said its normal to have that colour. Thank you all.
Buying a Chef's Knife?
At my hometown we dont have places that let us test the knife. But thank you all of you for the advice.
Buying a Chef's Knife?
What brands may I ask ?
Making Fried Rice with Eggs?
I did ask around and they said that it help to make the egg taste better and coat the rice with egg better. But Im not really understand that.
Making Hollandaise Sauce?
I did separate the eggs
Making Hollandaise Sauce?
Thank you to you all, thanks for you guys help very much.