What Are These Plants?
Looks like pink scaveola, aka the fan plant. Ive only seen purple, but if the flowers are fan shaped, thats what they are.
Home Remedies for Fleas?
I have got to say something to those of you who are giving this person grief about having pets that she can not pay for, walk in her shoes for a day! She obviously wants the animals to have a good life. You do not know how she acquired those animals! I have...
Home Remedies for Fleas?
BTW, Dominion has the same active ingredient as Frontline- which I did use and is expensive, especially when you multiply by 14! But before I found out about Dominion, I would buy the biggest tubes of flea control (for both the cats and dogs) and then split...
Home Remedies for Fleas?
BTW, Dominion has the same active ingredient as Frontline- which I did use and is expensive, especially when you multiply by 14! But before I found out about Dominion, I would buy the biggest tubes of flea control (for both the cats and dogs) and then split...