Dental Work Without Insurance in Northern California?
Go and talk to some dentists. Many have plans to pay over time. Make teeth your first priority. Put a little money away each paycheck. Make sure you arent making them worse, no sweets or soda.
13th Birthday Party?
A co-Ed sleepover for young teens is a terrible idea. Teens are impulsive and many levels of sexual intimacy may occur. If you have a sleepover either figure on no sleep or sit everyone down at the beginning of the party and set ground rules about noise levels...
No Where to Go from Abusive Relationship?
Why would you allow him to watch the baby? If he hits you he will hit the baby. Get out! Find a shelter or friends and get away!
Driver's License Suspended for Back Support?
Run dont walk away from this guy. He did not pay to take care of his children. Not a good track record. He may be nice but not a good choice for a relationship.
Teen Job Ideas?
Skip the car, work hard in school and go to college or a trade school (welding, carpentry etc). In a few short years you will be able to buy a really nice car!
Don't Bother With Homemade Beauty Products
I would agree. Homemade stuff does not work well for me. As for there being chemicals in store bought, everything you eat, drink, or put on your body is a chemical.
Buying Good Quality Second Hand Winter Boots?
Check thrift stores and Ebay. You should be able to find boots...also check department stores. They mark stuff down in stores and online really cheap.
Toddler Has Temper Tantrums?
He is too young to understand what you are trying to explain, he sounds like he is very stressed. Try to remember he is really still a baby and is impulsive and not patient. Look at your house and make sure it is child proof so you dont have to say no very...
Birthday Party Ideas?
We did an Indiana Jones theme party one year. My husband made up clues to find a treasure which he made by spraying some rocks with gold paint. The clues were written in code (you could get ideas from Tolkien books or hieroglyphs online) He had the codes with...
Young Toddler Crying All of the Time?
First take the child to the doctor, something serious could be wrong. Then check out The Happiest Toddler on the Block. Finally, how long have you had your BF? Is he causing your baby stress? Remember your baby MUST come first. You are your babys protector...
Remedy for Skin Cracks on Fingertips?
Get some pure lanolin, it works well to heal hands. I get those cracks as well and since Ive started using lanolin, they actually healed. I put extra on mist before bed.
Potty Training a 21 Month Old Girl?
A baby this age does not get much warning time so cannot tell you when she needs to go. Give her a few more months and she will really be ready.
Non Food Treat Ideas for Halloween?
My brother used to take cheese cube, stick a pretzel stick in each cube, then put a pretzel ring on each stick. The kids loved them.
18 Month Old Wants Bottle During Night?
I would maybe gradually switch the baby to water (over a period of weeks mix water in, more and more water to less and less of the current thing). That will stop tooth decay. Beyond that let the baby have a bottle as long as it needs it. She is 18 months not...
18 Month Old Wants Bottle During Night?
There is nothing wrong with an eighteen month old baby getting a bottle, if teeth are a concern water it down over a period of weeks to just water. Love and support the babys parents, they love their baby and need your love.
Other Uses for Spray Deodorant?
If its antiperspirant you can spray you clean feet to cut down on sweating which will help keep your feet warm.
Tips for Downsizing to an Apartment?
Go through each room and pick 5 things you love. Box them up, next 5 things you really dont care about, box them up for donation or yard sale if you have time. Keep doing this over and over till you are done. Or pretend you are going on a trip for a week and...
Child Behaves Differently When Ex Spouse is Around?
Document everything. Also, know your son has gone through trauma, in a childs mind if mommy can live without daddy maybe she will want ME gone too. However you child behaves make it clear that you love him. Tell him you love him, dont take his actions personally...
Getting the Most for Your Money
Great idea, also know that Consumer Reports tested and found the cheap brands work just as well as expensive dish soap. I buy store brand or other cheap brand and my dishes get just as clean as when I bought the brand name stuff.
Financial Advice for Low Income Senior?
Get rid of the house either by sale or letting it go back to the bank. Find a cheap place to live and keep looking for a more appropriate job. A house is just a thing.
Head Lice Concerns?
The latest Lice info is really not to worry about it. Used to be kids with lice are sent home from school, now they are not. Your daughter should be fine, let her play, keep checking for lice and relax. I supervised a group home for years and we had 12 girls...
Fixing Loose Glasses?
Most eyeglass places fix glasses for free, or for a very low price. They will make sure they fit your face too.
Getting Out of an Abusive Relationship?
Most German Police officers speak English. Did you write this? Give it to the police officer. They can read it and get you help.
Quick Removal of Plantar Warts
You can also use duct tape. Pressure helps to get rid of the wart. Be very careful not to get the wart on your hands though. You might want to wear gloves.
My Frugal Life: Making-Do In Cuba
Sorry, they have to make do because of their oppressive government. I do not admire them, I pity them. Their healthcare is fine for a runny nose but you are not going to get a kidney transplant for your kid unless you are a government official. I pray daily...
Remedy for Bad Circulation in Feet?
Go to a Podiatrist. They can see why your circulation is bad and perhaps refer you to a vascular surgeon. Please go dont wait. You can LOSE your FEET! My daughter is a podiatric surgeon and works with poor circulation issues. I used to be a Nurse assistant...
Preventing Ear Wax Buildup?
You dont want to keep the wax out. It is there to protect your ears from bacteria and other things you dont want in your ear. If it builds up too much you can use drops to soften and remove the excess. There is an ear-washing bulb you can get to wash out excess...
Boy's 10th Birthday Party Ideas?
When my son was that age, video game parties were the in thing to do. We mixed up a bit in that i would make pizza dough and have the sauce and stuff. The boys would smoosh out the dough on to the pans and put on sauce and toppings to their tastes. We would...
Fleas in My Hair?
Fleas do not usually live on humans. Are you sure they are fleas and not lice? You should look at your carpet and bed for fleas. You can sprinkle Borax on the carpet and let it sit a couple of hours then vacuum thoroughly. Do this every few days for a while...
Salad Dressing Stain on a Silk Tie?
Take it to a dry cleaner and tell them what the stain is. They have the right stuff to get out most any stain.
Puppy is Pooping in Crate?
Each day when he poops in his crate, take the poop and put it outside in the area where you want him to poop. Do NOT punish him for pooping in his crate. Take him to the vet as well to be checked to be sure he does not have any physical difficulties. Also, the...
Murphy's Oil Soap Left Furniture Streaky and Dull?
I would bet the liquid gold left a residue and the oil soap is lifting it out of the wood. You could keep using the oil soap or contact the liquid gold company to see what they recommend to get the residue off. My dad refinished furniture and he always told...
Dog Chewing Things Other Than Toys?
First remember a dog is not a person. They do not get spiteful that would mean they could remember stuff and plan a way to get back at you. Dogs are animals and though they may look guilty they are responding to your body language not remembering what they...
Rabbit Recipes?
Rabbits are A) delicious B) overrunning many areas that do not have natural predators. They eat the food the native animals need and the native animals starve. I personally like fried rabbit. It is similar to fried chicken.
Cheap White Washcloths for Everyday
I used those or cheap decorative hand towels as everyday napkins when the kids were little. Now I use a big basket of washcloths as use once hand towels. Cuts germs. Grab a washcloth dry hands drop in hamper. I wash towels every other day so I have about 24...
Cleaning a Moldy Hot Tub?
Look up don Aslett and find Showers n Stuff on his website. It is not cheap but cleans hot tubs, tubs showers etc better than anything. I have used it for years and cleaned bathrooms in my daughters apartments as she has moved from college, to med school to...
Removing a Piece of Glass From Under the Skin?
Go to a Podiatrist. They are specialists in wound care of the feet. My daughter is a podiatrist and she often does surgery on people with things imbedded in their feet. Do not mess around you do not want to lose your foot or do injury to the nerves in your...
Weight Watchers Daily and Weekly Point Totals?
The new weight watchers has a higher point value but the foods are also higher points, I think it allows for a more exact point to calorie etc. I used the old one years ago and am doing the new one now and lose weight just fine on the higher allowed points...
Toddler Backsliding on Potty Training?
A two year old is undergoing massive brain changes (for instance all memory is being processed into verbal memory) You can expect that there will be forward and back in development. This is true of all children at all stages of development. Just get the child...
Sanitizing Wipes for Cleaning Books
Do your grandchildren look at books or magazines a the doctors office? Do they go to the library? Do they go to daycare or a babysitter? I understand your concern but you could probably save your money and not bother with the wipes. There are a whole lot of...
Dyeing Hair a More Vibrant Red Over Duller Red Color?
I destroyed my hair by trying a really dark brown, then trying to fix it using a color remover. My hair came out in the words of my son, as German Shepherd. It was really dark in places and a brassy blond in others. After searching the web I found Robert Craig...
Lemon Tree Not Blooming or Producing Lemons?
My guess is it needs more light. I would get a full spectrum bulb to put over it. I would make sure it gets full light for 12-14 hours a day. Check its fertilizer and make sure it is not over or underfed.
Lemon Tree Not Blooming or Producing Lemons?
I found this online I hope it helps:
Using Jack O'Lanterns After Halloween
I agree that Halloween pumpkins do not make good pie or babyfood, they are too watery and have been developed for size not nutrition. Try a big squash or pie pumpkins.
Great Book Deals at Thrift Stores
Garage sales are the best. We have found first editions and lovely coffee table books for a quarter or dollar.
Programming a Curtis TV Remote for Use With Direct TV?
Go to menu, then system then program remote. It will take you through the steps and give you the codes to type in. You can also call Directtv and they will happily help you to do that.
Possum Urine Stain on Painted Ceiling?
Our possum does the same thing! I use Natures Miracle for cats and it works fine. I did end up touching up a small area with paint after treating it. Ours climbs the cat tree and hangs out by the ceiling.
Possum Urine Stain on Painted Ceiling?
Our possum does the same thing! I use Natures Miracle for cats and it works fine. I did end up touching up a small area with paint after treating it. Ours climbs the cat tree and hangs out by the ceiling.
Dyeing a Nylon Bodysuit?
Nylon is dyed in the manufacturing process. It is made the color it will be. It will not accept dye well. I would recommend you leave it be and get a new bodysuit. Read the dye box. Most of them are made for cotton.
Alternate Uses for Dental Floss
Dont use dental floss to play with cats, they may eat it and I could kill them.
Cleaning a Satin Purse?
Go to the Coach store, they have cleaner there. It is not very expensive and it lasts a long time. You do not want to ruin it with the wrong cleaner. I cleaned my daughters Coach purse with the cleaner and it even got pen ink off the interior of the purse.
My Frugal Life: Reusing Plastic Grocery Bags
I shuck corn and peel onions or potatoes on to a bag. Then I can carry it out to the compost bin, then toss the bag in the trash.
My Frugal Life: Trial And Error
Excellent stuff! May I make one recommendation? Instead of showing the pictures of what you do not want the kids to do, make pictures of the shovel hung where it belongs, towels in a hamper etc. The brain has a tendency to delete the word not. (I worked with...
Chew Gum to Avoid Ear Infections
I had constant ear infections as a kid. A doctor recommended this to me so I chewed gum alot till I grew up. It worked great! Oh and swallowing gum is not the least harmful. There are old wives tales out there but it just digests like any other thing.
Best Steamer Sanitizer for House Full of Pets?
I have 11 cats, 4 dogs and an iguana. I use the Shark steam mop and it works well. I see they have a new one which steams on both sides. I would recommend whatever steamer you get go to ebay and get extra pads. The steamer is great since you can keep it ready...
7 Year Old Won't Eat Healthy Food?
I agree that some kids have difficulty with swallowing and that it is not worth fighting over the foods. Make sure you dont have junk food in the house, give him a multivitamin and relax! I have a 21 year old son who had a lot of food issues. He only liked...
Paint Color Suggestion for Navy and White Kitchen?
Rustoleum now makes a paint for countertops. It comes in a BUNCH of colors. YOu can have ANY color in your kitchen. No, I dont work for Rustoleum but I have a really old house and no money for new counters. I saw it in a magazine at the doctor and will be painting...
Stock and Rotate Emergency Supplies
This is an excellent article. Even without emergencies with the skyrocketing fuel and food prices this can help a lot. Plus by stocking you can buy almost everything when it is on sale (about every 10 to 12 weeks the same type of items go on sale). Thanks
Buy Cheap Pumpkins After Halloween
The only problem with the Halloween pumpkins is they are bred to be huge not flavorful. You may find them watery and not very tasty. I would recommend the smaller PIE pumpkins for cooking. I buy the huge ones for the deer on my farm. I put them out and deer...
Use Vinegar Instead of Dryer Sheets
White vinegar is best as it has no color to effect the clothes, it works on all washable fabrics. Everything will smell fresh and clean not like vinegar, even if you smell it as you put clothes into the dryer. Put it in the softener dispenser. I also use it...
Natural Treatments for Hyperactivity in Children?
First I am interested in why you dont want to use medication. I would research throughly so you have the facts. There are many medications so if one is not working then there are alternatives. There is research that shows kids who use medications have a lower...
Bobcat Homecoming Float Ideas?
Get some live Bobcats and have them eat chicken on the float. Label the chicken as Eagles. Or maybe some folks have stuffed animal bobcats you could use. Have them jumping on stuffed toy eagles. Can you have your mascot on the float?
Preventing Soggy Pie Crust?
Try putting butter on the bottom crust before filling it. I find that helps. It makes a barrier for the liquid.
Teaching a Dog Not to Bark?
Try teaching her to bark on command. Then have her bark then reward her for stopping. Example: Speak (Woof) reward, then when she barks say Quiet then reward her for stopping. It will take time but it will work.
Kids Car Games
I would not recommend using a glass picture frame in the car. In an accident it would cause shards that could kill a child, not to mention it could break in the car under normal circumstances causing an unsafe situation. You can use dry erase on the windows...
Baby is Not Crawling?
Take him to a doctor. If there is a reason for not crawling that needs therapy the sooner you get it started the better. Trust your gut with your baby.
Growing Tomatoes In Hanging Baskets?
I used 2 liter pop bottles two years ago, they worked great (just do a web search for upside down planters). Last year I got a good deal on the topsy turvey planters and they also work well. I put heavy hooks into the ceiling beams of my porch. I wanted them...
Mayonnaise for Dandruff?
You might want to see a dermatologist, you may be reacting to the chemicals in the straightener. The dermatologist can also prescribe something that will really correct the dandruff.
Paying Back Taxes?
Definately go and fill out ammended tax forms for the lost years. This could really come back and bite you later. IF you owe then the government will add on fees and interest and you could owe THOUSANDS. Go to the IRS and get this fixed ASAP
Control Harness for Dog?
I have used both I would recommend the Gentle Leader. I have 3 dogs, a Border collie/Lab, mixed hound and an English Setter. I can walk them all with the Gentle Leader. Check Ebay for some really inexpensive ones. Get the one with the DVD that shows how to...
Use Your Crockpot as an Oven
To the Brit poster, Yes a crockpot is a brand of slow cooker. To the poster: WOW that is a great idea. My husband just started a job as a trucker so is not home and my son is away at college. I am home alone and eating very unhealthy. It seems a waste to heat...
Dog Doesn't Like to Stay Outside?
Maybe something is happening when you are gone. Where I used to live some neighbor children threw rocks at a dog next door when the neighbors were gone. I saw them and told them to stop or I would call the police. About a week later the dog jumped the fence...
Is My Son a Vegetarian?
Has he been sensitive to textures? My son, now 20 was the same way. He had a real difficulty with textures of food. He still will run meat spagetthi sauce in a blender before he eats it. Note: my son is very healthy, 6 4 college sophmore, Eagle scout, who was...
Keeping Pool Full Of Water During Winter?
Yup, you can buy winterizing kits, you drain the pool down to below the filter, add the chemicals, put in the pool pillow (which helps keep water from pooling in the cover and breaks up ice) cover the pool and then in the spring you get a pool opening kit. NOTE...
Meal Planning Notebook and Filing System
This is excellent! I tend to want to overdo and use all new recipes. I even bought subscriptions to menus and recipes and noone liked them. This would work in that I know that the family would like it. Even I could do this! Thanks
Ideas For Arabian Themed Party Decorations?
This is a very tongue in cheek idea. I lived in Saudi Arabia for a few years back in the 80s. Did you know we women have to cover ourselves completely to go out shopping? Also, women were not allowed to enter certain shops or restuarants. There were signs that...
My Dog Won't Stop Barking?
Watch The Dog Whisperer or get his book at the library. He shows how to deal with barking, you must be calm assertive and own the window. His methods DO work. I used them on our rescue hound who was totally untrained and he does really well. When he barks I...
Is Borax Safe To Use Around Children? check out the website. I do not think it is dangerous. I used it to kill fleas when my childern were little. Consider its safety relative to the chemicals you could use. You would not sprinkle it then put...
Is Borax Safe To Use Around Children? check out the website. I do not think it is dangerous. I used it to kill fleas when my childern were little. Consider its safety relative to the chemicals you could use. You would not sprinkle it then put...
Keeping an Iguana Out of My Vegetable Garden?
Definately call the Humane society to get in contact with an Iguana rescue. Iguanas are not native to Florida and that poor ig is likely malnourished. They will trap the iguana humanely and find it a home.
Creative Cat Litter Box Tips
I use one box with clumping litter (Arm and Hammer Dual Duty) and one box with Equine Pine which is the same thing as Feline Pine only you get a 50 pound bag for the same price. It is compressed wood which puffs up and turns to powder when the cats urinate...
Shoe Shopping Strategy - Trace Your Child's Feet
I would not recommend this as there is much more to shoe sizing than length. You also have to check the arch support, the height of the back of the shoe so it does not hit the bone on the ankle. Take the child to the shoe store to try on. Feet are delicate...