Dog Drinking Lots of Water?
In humans this is an indication of diabetes. You might want to have him checked out by the vet.
Buying HE Detergents?
They are often kept on the top shelf. In a pinch, you can just use half or one third of a regular detergent.
Name for Childcare Center?
Sorry, but as a mother I dont find that name appealing (even if Cage happens to be your last name). It sounds as if you are going to put the kids in a cage. Of course you wouldnt, but it does not invoke positive connotations. Try to think of what kind of atmosphere...
Business Name Ideas for Cleaning/Child Care Service?
With business names, you want to keep two things in mind: 1. Have a name that starts with a letter early in the alphabet for a prime position in business directories (Yellow Pages and such). 2. Especially with an innovative service / product, you want it to...
Hitachi Bread Machine Manual B201?
You can usually find manuals online just by running a search. Check out this link: