Dishes from Dishwasher Look Cloudy?
This can be caused by a few things. Poor quality dish powder, hard water and probably the most likely... a clogged drain outlet. Have your spouse or a good handy friend remove the hose from the outlet and look to see if there is gunk in there. If there is give...
Getting Rid of Mosquitoes in My House?
I agree with Deelie, with one extra thought. Have you checked under your house for standing water? I had a friend who had a horrible skeeter problem and discovered after several years that a leak in the pipes under the house was providing a nice little pond...
Can I Reuse Cat Litter Containers for Food Storage?
Food storage, hmmmm, only for extra canned goods I would think. I certainly would not use for bulk loose beans and such. I use mine for storing camping gear, Christmas decorations, fabric and what not. The are great for containing those unruly plastic bags...
Reusing or Recycling Plastic Baler Twine?
I had an gardeners stool like a camp chair that decayed and left me with a metal x-type frame. I used some of that plastic twine to weave me a new seat. You might try using it with a huge crochet hook and make a nice back scrubber.... or a toy hammock. Macrame...
Crochet Edge Around a Fleece Blanket?
My mother used to use a sharp metal needle. If you want a more uniform look try threading a yarn needle with your your yarn then blanket stitching at regular intervals all the way round. 1/4 inch is good for most crochet with yarn.
What Do Brown Grasshoppers Eat?
Grasshoppers are herbivorous creatures. The best thing to do is use the plants that were in the area where you captured the little guy.
Recycling Ivory Piano Keys?
How about finding a piano restoration specialist. He or she may need this old ivory. Also depending on how thick the ivory is. It might be good for carving guitar parts. You could try your hand at scrimshaw too.