Shopping for Ham Flavored Soup Base?
Goya makes a Ham Flavored Concentrate. I purchase this at HEB Grocery (Texas chain) it comes in a tan box, found on the aisle with other Mexican items. It is a great ham flavoring. Do not know if WalMart stocks. GOYA has a lot of Mexican products.
Prairie Bonnet Pattern?
You can find the pattern on search: How to make a sunbonnet is less than 2 hours. Hope this helps.
Fudgy Flourless Chocolate Walnut...
This is one cookie that will go into my cookie collection. I bake for my former co-workers each year at Christmas and always looking for something new to add to the collection. This will be a winner I can tell. Thanks for sharing.
What is this Plant? Bee Balm
It is a native wildflower here in Texas. I have several in my yard. Lemon Mint/Purple Horse Mint. It will reseed. I just pull mine and lay the plant down to dry the seeds for next year.
What is this Plant? Bee Balm
I am lucky enough to live within 1 hour of Wildseed Farms in Fredericksburg Texas. The flower seeds are available on line at They will reseed every year once you have them estabilished. They are the Lemon Mint/Purple Horse Mint wildflower...