Hedge Apples for Pest Repellent
Can you give a little more info? How many? Do you place them close together? Or every few feet apart ? Just a better understanding of how this is done. Ive never heard of it and I have a crab apple tree, so I should have enough to do it. Thanks
Hanging Curtains on a Large Window?
What you can so is get a small bracket or what they call a middle bracket for the middle of the rod. My mom had a huge picture window in the living room and thats what she did, hope that helps. Use this bracket as you did the outer part of the rod.
Finding Out the Value of a Print?
We used to be in the antique business. We had 2 that were done by the same guy, similar to yours. About 15 years ago , they were worth about 300 dollars a piece. That should give you a round about figure. By now, Im postive its worth more. If you want to get...
Where Can I Buy Diatomaceous Earth?
I dont think the Diatomaceous Earth that youre seeking is the same that is used in swimming pools. I would check with the health food store or a vet before giving it to any animal.
What Breed is My Dog? (Ridgeback)
The body looks like a dog I once had, A Rhodesian Ridgeback. If hes got a part of his hair that sticks up around his neck, its a Ridgeback. The face is a little different than that of a Ridgeback, like everyone said, maybe a boxer, (just the face).
What Breed is My Dog? (Ridgeback)
Forgot to mention, the coloring of the dog, is exactly that of a Ridgeback and the ears too.
Hamilton Beach Toaster Oven Leaks Air Around The Door?
It must have gotten bent during the shipping process. I have one and I love it. Id suggest to take it back to the store and tell them whats wrong. Ask if you can have another one thats not broken.
Growing Zinnia
I live in an area in the south that has alot of deer. I grew zinnias for 2 years in a row and the deer never bothered them. I live on the eastern coast of North Carolina. I dont know where you live so I have no idea if you would have a problem. I also have...