Our Mulch Had Poison Ivy In It?
To help thwart the blowing of your Rounup you can use cardboard. Hold the cardboard between what you are spraying and whatever is behind it. Youll minimize the effects of the Roundup on the other plants. And as Chris (we got the same name ;)) said above just...
Halloween Costume Ideas
A few years back, I dressed up all in black (nothing fancy) and put on a black cap (like a dock worker would wear). I then wrapped half my body in a bag of $1 fake spider webbing. While I had to tell most people that I was (b)the victim of spiderman(/b) once...
Cleaning Window Screens?
I clean my outside windows with a sponge mop & a squeegee, under the same mindset of the window washers at the gas station. Mop first, then wipe clean....just be careful for streaking.
Black Spots on Silver Plate Utensils?
look closely to see if the black stops are pitting (little holes in the silver plate). If that is the case there is likely no chance of polishing them away. You may be able to fill them, but Ive no real clue how...
Turning a Fireplace Into a Cabinet or Storage Area?
I had a fireplace in my old house that was hooked up to Gas. With the cost of gas these days we turned off all the piping, burned all the gas out of the existing pipes, removed them all and put a TV in its place. We ran the wiring of the TV through the base...
Gift Ideas for Grandparents?
My grandmother has everything, and then some...so I get her a nice card, a hand written letter, and a gift certificate to her favorite place to eat. She loves getting cards, as well as giving them, so thats the easy part, but its certainly not enough by my...
Otter Pops for Cold Drinks
Ive been doing this since I was like 6 ;) Its trial and error, but the majority of the red ones go great in any clear soda (including Mt. Dew). Ive not tried any in Cola, but I bet the cherry ones would not be so bad... Many also go OK with Lemonade. (as an...
Otter Pops for Cold Drinks
Yes, Otter Pops are popsicles... Some Reading ANSWERS: http://www.answers.com/topic/otter-pops OFFICIAL: http://www.otterpops.com/ Jelserts: http://www.jelsert.com/products_otter.asp I cant find the actual history of the name, though, Id assume they are Otter...
Buy Two, Take One Back
Saving the reciept is an important step, but its also (b)important(/b) to read and understand the stores return policy. Some times its on an item by item basis, so when you are at the counter, not only ask what the policy is, look around for the sign that explains...
Saving Money on Public Transportation
Many larger cities in the US and seemingly the UK have wheels to work or wheels for work programs allowing eligible families to get a free car. It may be worth looking into. Many cities in the US also offer discount rates on Public Transpertaion for Veterans...
Poll: Do you have a sewing or craft room?
There is one here at the house, though I personally dont use it. Youll find me out in the shed playing with POWER TOOLS! ;) I am glad its here though, my socks are darned and my pants are patched. I also sleep with a quilt one would be hard pressed to find...
Hades the Cat
A few more of him... Sitting on a rock at the pond (that I built) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/Qryztufre/pets/hades_pond1.jpg (as seen on the attached image) As a kitty sitting on my shoulder http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/Qryztufre/pets/q_hades4...
Cleaning Sidewalk Chalk Off My Carpet?
Find out the kind of Chalk before adding water of any nature to it. Many chalks today are done with water soluable coloring...but there are a few that are not. The box they come in should say which. If not, then ummm...look up how to get dyes out and use the...
What is artificial crabmeat made of?
My girlfriend & I were at a Chinese buffet a few days ago & the question came up between us. They were busy so we did not bother to ask them *shrug* The thought really never crossed my mind to look in the grocery store...the first thing that popped into my...
What is artificial crabmeat made of?
hehe...there is CRAB in artificial crab meat... that *IS* good to know! Thank you!
Hades the Cat
His sisters name is Persephone, and trust me, they are a perfect match ;) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/Qryztufre/pets/a_p_sleeping.jpg the pic is old, but she is the little one. The larger one is Azrael *smirk*
Repairing a Vinyl Floor?
Autumn is likely correct, at least as far as I know... Ive had tears in mine & Ive glued it back down. Keep in mind though, that if either surface is SMOOTH youll want to run sand paper over it a few times so that the glue can hold better. And be sure to weight...
Shake Out Rarely Worn Boots or Purses
If you are actually worried about it, then keep in mind it only takes an hour or so for a spider to weave its web...so shaking your shoes out is likely a good idea every morning.
Technology Free Days
We have done the same thing in my house, but it also happened to be family game night for at least an hour or two. The only exception to the rule was the night we rented Monopoly for the Playstation ;) Everynight however, is technology free when we sit down...
I Get Hot Water When I Turn on Cold?
When using the cold water, it gets hot for a few moments & then turns cold again....right? Does it also happen at night? Your problem likely lies with the piping being too close to the surface in the yard, or possibly running by a window in your basement. Follow...
Save Money on Dish Soap
I dont understand the concept of watering down dishsoap...in my opinion it is a waste of time. To save time, couldnt one just use less soap? If you add half water to it...couldnt you just use half the soap when filling up the sink? If you add a 3rd water to...
Squirrel and Chipmunk Deterrents?
Would feeding them help? Placing a table feeder or other accessable means for them to eat AWAY from the garden may help. (as Vic suggested) Also, a few birds of prey will nest in man-made nesting boxes. You could maybe place those around the place. By upping...
Reusing Mason Jars for Canning?
You can use the ring, but youll need to replace that little disk-thingie that has the seal. Im not sure exactly why, but thats what my wife does. I asked her for a reason once & she explained it, but, heh...Im a man & I forget ;)
Uses for Playing Cards
* Glue stick blank paper to the face of the card & used for flash cards ~ learning fun for the entire family. * Dress up like Gambit & flick them at passers-by ::smirk:: * Ive personally used a few cards as a wedge to stop the rattling noise on my dashboard...
Memory Garden Stepping Stones
Id like to re-ask both questions from previous people. * What type of cement & how does it come out (can ya re-use the bucket?) * Could you maybe line the bucket with greese or maybe clingwrap? If the clingwrap would work, maybe one could actually cut that...
Fear of Mice?
Buy some... Seriously, pet mice could bring you joy as I truly loved mine. Failing that, get a snake that will eat them. Then get mice to breed...youll be able to turn your fear into hate as you feed your other pet *evil grin*
Burning Smell Coming From Garbage Disposal?
Is this an OZONE type smell or is it more like BURNT RUBBER/PLASTIC? If its the former then its likely nothing to worry about...as this type of smell often goes along with certain motor types. Though, you should likely still keep an eye on it (as I could be...
Internet Explorer Becoming Corrupt When I Update It?
Corupt files and M$update kinda go hand in hand... There are HORDES of people that simply refuse any & all updates offered by Microsoft simply due to the issues you are talking about now. I know everytime Ive ever done a mass upgrade Ive had problem after problem...
Button Tied to Candle Wick?
At its base or top? If its the base, that may be a nifty way to keep the wick weighted/in place as the wax is applied. If its on the top of the wick (and the wick is really long) then its likely a result of substandard manufacturing *smirk* though does provide...
Duct Tape Rose
A gift of flowers that even the manliest of men could enjoy! A single grey rose poking out of the top of a beer bottle would look good in any mans workroom or garage. Some one wanna send me one?
Hollow Book for Hiding Items
Ive done this! its great, fun, and can actually be funny! The book I have is on magic (stage magic) titled Effective Conjuring which is nearly ironic once I open it up to pull random items form thin air :lol: I used elmers white glue though...but it was on...
Hollow Book for Hiding Items
Its me again... I took a pic of the inside of my book! Its rough, but can be cleaned further, or better yet, you could line it with felt or something of that nature.
Do You Receive Home Newspaper Delivery?
Not only do I not get the paper delieved I seriously wish they would STOP CALLING MY HOUSE! I get calls from area newspapers at least twice a week and no matter how many times I tell them NO they call back. Ive asked to be taken off the calling lists and Ive...
Another Deathbed Joke
Ive met couples that could make that joke a reality... Needless to say, that made me enjoy its humor just that much more :D
Use for Return Reply Envelopes
Ive sent valentines cards back before...they were left over from a neighborhood kids school special. Ive also sent back empty replies, random notes, pet hair, gunk from sweeping, leaves, information on (i)friends(/i) I did not really like and other random things...
Sunflowers From Bird Seeds
hey beachers, did you move from Tennessee? There was a house around here that was up for sale last fall with a field full of these giant yellow wonders. ____________________ Eralier this year while cleaning out the feeders I dumped the old seeds into a few...
Natural Looking Bird Feeders?
I have made a log suet feeder out of well, a log :D Any size log will likely work, but the one I used was small tree that someone else cut down (I dont condone killing trees). Simply bore out several holes within the log and then a smaller hole below the larger...
Taming a Kitten?
Ive had cats kind of like that... Follow the advice from the others here, as its pretty sound. I especially agree with giving it room, but touching it when possible. Another thing Ive done was to take old tee-shirts and placed them where the cat slept at night...
Library Lamp Made of Books
You may wish to pay attention to the copyright & publication dates of the books. Some of the old books may just be worth a bunch of cash! Especially first printings... Personally I like books too much to poke a hole through them *sigh* but a lamp like that...
A Fix for Loose Dresser Knobs
If the screw of the handle goes all the way through then you can tape or glue it as well. Of course this quick fix is also permanent...so unless you wish to break the nobs off later youll not be able to change them.
Alternative to Water Guns
Squirt Guns are actually a safe way to teach gun safety and responsibility... but *shrug* Im not here to lecture ;) When I was a kid we placed buckets at random places in the yard filled with water (they were safe zones) then we used dish soap botttles...ya...
How Do You Quiet PVC Waste Pipes?
You could insulate them. While its not NEEDED the foamy stuff thats used should quiet the noise at least a bit. It may be cheaper to buy foam from the craft store & then duct-tape it...but Ive never compared prices so I suggest you do before taking this last...
Filling Birdhouses
I use a gallon jug cut just below the handle. Upside down it makes a great funnel and has a handle! Cleaner bottles work too...just beware of residual cleaners poisoning the seed.
Build Your Own Bed?
Growing up I had a homemade loft type bed...that was high enough to hang clothes underneath (I worked in clothing retail so my closet was not big enough). Before I started using it to hang clothes on I had my dresser underneath it alogn with my TV, VCR etc...