Getting Rid of Snakes
Keeping Unwanted Animals Out of Your Yard: Snakes Most snakes are harmless, but that doesnt matter to those who have a fear of snakes. For those to whom snakes make their skin crawl and their bodies uncontrollably shutter, here are a few ways to keep them away...
Getting Rid of Snakes
How to Make Homemade Snake Repellent Instructions things youll need: Vacuum cleaner Cat litter Mothballs Powdered sulfur Moth crystals Cinnamon oil Clove oil Spray bottle 1 Get rid of spiders. Often, spiders will feed off of snakes in your area. Vacuum any...
Growing Corn From Seed?
Corn/ sweet. Do not save seed. Make at least four plantings, beginning in March. Plant 2 to 3 weeks apart. Plant three seeds to a hill 12 inches apart and thin to one stalk per hill. Fertilize heavily. Do not pull suckers Here is a great website for you hope...
Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
Buy a big cheap bottle of dish soap lather them up and leave on a couple of min then rinse off repeat everyday until you dont see them anymore. Its a lot of work but its a cheap way to get rid of the fleas and it works quickly, you will see a major difference...
Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
Following the steps detailed here should remedy any current flea problems and prevent future infestations Instructions Things youll need: Tea tree oil Essential oils 1 pt. of distilled water 2 tsp. of rubbing alcohol Small spray bottle Table salt Sprigs of...
Is There an Herb That Will Repel Fleas on Dogs and Cats?
Use apple cider vinegar for fleas and ticks. Just rub your critters down with it. It also says you can put it in their drinking water. Start with 1 teaspoon and work up to 1 tablespoon. This is per quart of water. Also pennyroyal mint is used as a flea repellent...
Catchy Name for My Small Cleaning Service?
flowers fresh cleaning service flowers so fresh and so clean cleaning service