Aluminum Can, Glass Bottle, and Bottle Cap Craft Ideas?
Hi Linda, I want to do the same thing you are! In fact, I ordered a book today off Amazon on metal crafting. If you would like, we could collaberate together and share what ideas we come up with, you can contact me at That goes for anyone...
Freeze Water Bottle
Hi. I used to freeze my bottles too until I read the same thing the others here have said. I then bought a stainless steel water bottle and started freezing that but believe it not it cracked! I dont know how it did but it did, lol So now I am drinking warm...
Save Money On Amazon Purchases
Thank you so much for this information. I was thinking about joining Amazon Prime cause I shop from them all the time but really didnt want to part with the $80. I had no idea if you were a student you can get it free for 6 months and after that half price...
Freezing Eggplant?
Hi. I freeze eggplant all the time both raw and cooked. I find it freezes raw very well. I slice mine into slices first and then freeze.
Can I Freeze Cucumbers?
I just thought Id share that I made some tabouli and the recipe made a huge amount. I couldnt eat all of it so I thought I wonder how it would be if I froze it. I put it in individual serving containers and tried it, thinking it would probably turn to mush...
Buy Loose Mushrooms Instead of Pre-Packaged
That is a very good idea to buy the loose mushrooms. When I buy mushrooms, as soon as I get them home, I gently rinse and slice, spray a plate with Pam, and lay the slices on it and then freeze. When they are frozen, I put them in zip lock bags. This way they...
Use Paper Plates for Packing Plates
Great idea. You would think as many times as I have moved. :( I might have thought of that myself, lol Thank you!
Teddy Bear Cake
Your little teddy bear cake came out wonderful! Im sure your granddaughter absolutely loved it! Reminds me of a day (long long time ago, lol) when I made my sons first birthday cake. It had little marshmellow bears on it that I put together with toothpicks...
Teddy Bear Cake
Your little teddy bear cake came out wonderful! Im sure your granddaughter absolutely loved it! Reminds me of a day (long long time ago, lol) when I made my sons first birthday cake. It had little marshmellow bears on it that I put together with toothpicks...
Homemade Soft Cheese
Hi, After it sits for 2-3 days and gets clabbered what do you mean when you say to put it in a large pan and pour boiling water over it? Do you pour the clabbered milk out of the container it is in? How much boiling water? Does the boiling water go around the...