Homemade All Purpose Cleaner?
Put 2 cups rubbing alcohol & 1/2 cup white vinegar in a clean, empty 1 gal. milk jug. Fill the rest of the way with water, squeeze (approximately 1 tsp.) dawn dish soap in. Put top on and give it a light shake. Fill a spray bottle. Use in the bathroom anywhere...
Puppy Is Losing Hair?
If you can find it, try a product called The Missing Link. It is a dietary supplement. It worked wonders for my Bischon with a similar problem. I purchased it a 1800pedmeds.com, but I recently found it a Petsmart as well. It is worth a try for sure!
Collage As Wall Art
I love this idea. This would be a great project for my 13 yo daughter to make for her friends. Thanks for the tip!
Pink and Pearls Necklace
Love it! Ill have to try this... maybe try it with other colors like lavender or blues/greens. Thanks
Family Closet for Organizing Laundry
Loved this idea.... Immediately after reading this I had to jump right in re-oragnize my laundry room to work this way too. It turned out perfect! Fortunatly I have a small laundry room upstairs where all our bedrooms are. I decided to make it only a closet...