Strawberry Baskets and Containers?
If you are trying to go green, you could give them to your friendly local farmer for reuse. That way, they dont have to buy new ones. Thats what the guy from No Impact Man did with his.
How Do I Make Easy Spanish Rice?
I do the same thing wendiesioux does: just add tomato bouillon to the cooking water and make rice as usual. I add chopped onions, peppers, and/or tomatoes if Im not in too much of a hurry.
Eating Healthy on a Budget
I dont find this to be true. Actually, I think the opposite is usually the case. The healthiest foods are the ones you cook from scratch (no additives or preservatives). We stopped buying meat and cheese because they were the most expensive items on our list...
Freezing Lettuce?
Yeah, think about how soft frozen and thawed strawberries are. The freezing break the cell walls of the plant and it will loose its crispness. If you are going to add it to soup or something, it should be fine. But it wont make a good salad.
Determining the Best Price on Toilet Paper?
For two-ply in our area, Kirkland (costcos house brand) is the cheapest on a per sheet comparison. A friend of mine told me not to bother checking prices because he had done an extensive comparison and found Kirkland to be the cheapest. Well, of course I didnt...
What You Shouldn't Try Yourself (But Maybe You Have)
Letting someone else handle your investments is a dangerous game. That is how things like Madoff happen. At the very least, you need to know what your money is invested in and how your advisermakes their money. If they make money through commissions, they arent...
Saving Money on Steak
Consider buying a side of beef locally rather than buying piecemeal from the grocery store. Ours ended up costing about $3.50 per usable pound, which is about what ground beef goes for regularly in our area, but we got some really great cuts of roast and steaks...