Decorating a New Apartment Without Painting?
Another good option would be shades of gray and black in the pink bathroom. Put a splash of white here and there and the wont be so obvious.
Birthday Party For a 17 Year Old Girl?
How about renting a great movie and making your own pizza(s) ?
Using "Nail Magic" for Natural Nails
Is this product something you paint on your nails, like a polish or a treatment oil? I looked at Sallys and Nail Magic had several types of products.
Medical Help for Persons Over 65?
If you are a veteran, contact the nearest VA facility. Contact your local agency on aging. They can help you find assistance for many things.
Beef & Noodle Casserole
Thanks to Robin from Washington, IA. I always enjoy her recipes. They are always good, easy and economical.
Instant Cake Recipe
I have made this. I used a devils food mix and the angel food mix. I found 45 seconds were best with my 1000W microwave. You can mix in a few mini marshmallows or chocolate chips. I have put a few choc chips on top and let them melt for a frosting. I am keeping...
Child Stopped Using the Toilet to Poop After Painful Experience?
I would suspect a blockage or impacted bowel. He needs to see a Dr. right away. Even if a bowel is blocked some can seep out.
Cat Spray Odor on Deck and Stairs?
Wal-mart has a product in the pet department called Odo-Ban Pet. It is in a purple-ish container. Works very well.
This sounds really good. I will try it soon. I really enjoy Robins recipes, always good. Judy from Oskaloosa, IA
Popcorn Cake
I have been looking for a a TNT popcorn cake recipe! I have used many of your recipes and they are always good. Thanks! Judy from Oskaloosa
Reuse T-shirts for Hand Rags
I have been doing this, too. I have also used my old flannel nightgowns, and other items to cut rags. On the flannel items I use my pinking shears so there is less raveling. I keep a stack of rags in each bathroom, under the kitchen sink and in the basement...
Freeze Browned Ground Beef
It is safe to freeze cooked meat after it was frozen and thawed prior to cooking. Not a problem. I often cook 5 or 6 lbs of hamburger and put into smaller freezer containers for use later.
Saving Money on Paper
I use a razor type letter opener, use the clean side of envelope for my shopping list. Coupons go inside and toss when I get home.
Urine Smell After Cleaning?
There is a product called ODO-BAN that gets rid of urine odor. There are a couple varieties, but a good one can be found in the pet department at Wal-mart. It is great stuff!
Does Microfiber Absorb Pet Odors?
My little dog took up residence by the arm of our sofa. I didnt notice an problem with odor :( I use Febreze) but she left a dark stain on the arm from her oily skin. I was able to get it out, but now keep the arm covered with a fleece throw that I can wash...
Make Your Own Cleaning Cloths
I have made cleaning cloths from old flannel nightgowns and flannel sheets. I have a rag bag in a closet and use the rags constantly.
What Brand of Washing Machine Do You Have?
Frigidaire front loader. Love it - works great uses less water and detergent. Things are so dry when they come out my drying time is reduced.
Rotisserie Chicken for Several Meals
Thanks for these great ideas. I am keeping your post in my goto file. One of our local stores discounts the chickens a couple times a day - Very economical way to have 3 good meals.