Cleaning Outside of Revere Ware Pots?
I have the solution to your problem, this will work on the copper bottom & the inside that was burned from water, milk etcetera. My husband is a body work man fixing & painting cars. When he paints cars afterwards, he has to wet sand & buff the paint to get...
Cleaning Outside of Revere Ware Pots?
I just posted about the sandpaper too,when people think of sandpaper they think of the rough stuff.There is a sandpaper out there that is 1000 grit and 1,500 grit,you have to get the right type.Its called wet/dry 1000 grit sandpaper,its the type used to wet...
Burnt Revere Pan?
I have the solution to your problem, This will work on the copper bottom and the inside that was burned from water, milk, etc. My husband is a bodywork man, fixing and painting cars. When he paints cars, afterward he has to wet sand and buff the paint to get...