Getting Rid of Black, Brown & White Biting Bugs?
Thank you I have thought I have had to of bought them in or husband bought them. I have some in a old pill bottle & some on duck tape. That how I get them off of me. I wish I could get the ones that are not into my skin. It stings as they go in. And itchy. I...
Identifying Small Brownish Black Biting Bugs?
I have looked though a magnifying glass to see them cause they are small, they look like pepper spinkled over my sheets plus they are in my kitchen, Liam floors & bathroom.
Borax To Rid Your House Of Pests
I am dealing with dust mites and they love me. Are always on me. So trying to get rid of them with borax, Dawn dish soap, Windex. Help!
Borax To Rid Your House Of Pests
Thank you for your wisdom on pest. I am dealing with mites, not sure what kind, but they get on me all day & night and bite. Help! I found bugs in my cabinet and drawer in kitchen. Washed them out with Borax & Blue Dawn which seems to slow kill whatever it...