Using Almond Bark in Fudge?
Yes, almond bark is basically something used to make candy. Comes in different flavors. Not sure why its called almond bark because it never has almonds in it, that I know of. I attached a picture.
Angry Birds Cake
What a wonderful job. It looks completely professional. I wish you lived near by, my daughter loves Angry Birds. Id hire you to make her cake in a second!
Engagement Photo: Holding Hands
Thanks so much Jo! I appreciate it and Im old fashioned too. :) -Tara D.
Roasting Pumpkin Seeds?
We make them every year and this year they turned out the most delicious and we used the simplest method. We rinsed the seeds in water and let them dry out over night. Then tossed them in a bowl with salt and put them on a dry cookie sheet in the oven at 350...
Buying Food for Wedding Reception?
What are you planning on doing with them? Are they going to be in bowls for the tables or individual as favors? That will make a difference.
Recipe for Swiss Cheese Baked Potatoes?
Thanks Deeli, I actually found the recipe! You just put sliced potatoes in a buttered casserole dish, pour 1/2 stick melted butter over top and then salt and pepper and bake at 500 for 20-25 mins. Then sprinkle on 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese and a few shakes...
Substitute for Cream Cheese in Cheesecake?
Jello makes a good cheesecake flavored pudding. Walmart makes their brand as well. It wont taste exactly the same but will work for a sweet version.
Substitute Coffee Filter in a Pinch?
Honestly paper towels are totally fine. They say dont use any with dye but I have and it worked. Its just one morning...not everyday. I noticed no difference with my coffee and nothing dissolved. I wouldnt use a thin napkin though, I would use paper towel.
Better Than Sex Oreo Pie
OMG that sounds heavenly! My hubby will die over it because all of those things are his favorites! Also, cant wait to try it to see if it really IS better than sex! Ha ha!
Getting a Job With a High School Diploma?
First of all to pamphyila. You absolutely CAN get a good job without a college education and that was a rude and uneducated (ironically) response to her question as well as completely unhelpful! Also, if you had read correctly, she does have a high school education...
Making Bagels Softer on the Outside
The reason that you boil them is to make the outside harder and the inside chewy. If you dont want then hard on the outside then dont boil them but then they will be more like a roll. You could try to boil for a smaller amount of time but like OliveOyl said...
Removing Skins From Tomatoes?
Score an X on the bottom of the tomato with the tip of a sharp knife. Put into boiling water for about 15-30 secs. Have a bowl of ice water ready and scoop the tomatoes out with a slotted spoon and put directly in ice water for another 15 secs. The skin should...
Uses for Old Shoes?
I dont know if you have a FinishLine store near you but I know they all have bins in the stores where they take old shoes and recycle them to donate to needy children. If you dont have a FinishLine store you could call around to other sporting goods stores...
Measuring Shortening (Crisco)
This method is the way my family has been doing it for years and years! It works really well with peanut butter, margarine or anything else with that type of texture. Thanks for sharing with everyone! It really does work :)
Study Tip: Rewrite Lecture Notes
I also did this and it helps tremendously! I also realized that just the act of writing the information over again helped me to remember it much better. Great tip!
Omelet Recipes?
I agree with skinnyjinny except for instead of oil I would use butter or cooking spray and I add milk or cream instead of water to the egg mixture. Also, cook it on medium heat so it doesnt cook to quickly.
Set Up a Kid Friendly Guest Room
What a thoughtful idea! Many adults dont take the time to think of what a child might like. She is lucky to have you :)
Honey Lime Fruit Dip Recipe?
I would suggest draining the yogurt first. Take a mesh strainer and line it with paper towels and put it over a bowl. Put the plain yogurt into this and let drain overnight. What you will have is a very thick yogurt. Then add the honey and lime juice until...
Uses for an Empty Plastic Wrap Roll
I guess Im is it heavy enough to roll out dough? Doesnt it crush when you push on it or am I just not picturing this correctly?
Blocking Bathtub Overflow Valve?
I had the same problem and just bought an over-flow cover for about $5 from Bed Bath and Beyond. Its called a Deep Water Bath and here is a link to it from