Advice for a Pink Room?
Hi Sunshine! This advice is from experience. First, usually your first instincts are right. If you just love hot pink, then maybe you could do an accent wall with that, and the others with a paler pink. Walmarts paints are only aboutr $10 a gal, and they can...
Lost My Job, Need Frugal Advice?
Ive always been poor, but after the plant closed down and I was laid off Im really poor! I live in the middle of nowhere and so we subsist on his soc. sec. check. There are only the 2 of us, but we only get just over $500. a month to live on. Every dollar counts...
Susan Winget Farmhouse Designs, #FP21401?
I KNOW WHERE YOU CAN BUY THIS, for about $23. a dbl roll. I just now ordered some out of the same book for the bathroom which I just need a 30 strip for, but of course had to buy a dbl roll. Its at , and I got their number...
Sweat Odor in Room?
I see someone already suggested charcoal. This is the best advice for any odors! Just put some in a pan under the bed. Also spraying the mattress with vinegar as was said should help. You also might spray with Lysol to kill bacteria. We had a refreidgerator...