Organizing Receipts for Taxes
One thing ive done for almost 15 years is I get mailing envelopes from post office free but only get what you need for a year. I mark each with the month and the year, ie Jan 2016 ect. When I pay my bills for that month I put the receipt (the bill) in the envelope...
Kid "Driver License"
Nice idea for the kids, but this is the way that real forgers make illegal documents as well. Just be careful.
Readers Digest Magazine Christmas Trees?
Heres a link to explain how:
Plan Now for Next Year's Tax Time
Ive been doing this for several years, but instead of buying envelopes, I use the free ones from the post office, You know the ones used for priority mail. Also the small priority mail boxes are the right size to hold 12 of the envelopes and the tax forms and...
Save Change Throughout The Year
I did the same putting change in one of those large water containers but found that too much hassle. So what I did was buy a change sorter for about 3 bucks and now every night it empty change to it. Already sorted and dont have to worry about counting. When...
Audiobooks From The Library
Just be careful about ripping cds. That is an illegal action because it eliminates any profits that the artists would normally get from the sale of their hard work. I know its a common practice to do this just because everybody does it doesnt make it right...
Keeping Track of Medical Information
With taking 8 different meds daily, I too made a list like this to hand to drs and hospital when needed. It does save time and everyone involved has agreed that they wish everyone would do this. The big trick is to keep it updated every time something changes...
Lickity Split Spoons
I cant imagine eating plastic forks or spoons. Wont the plastic break as you chew? Isnt this quite dangerous for smaller kids to chew on? Although, it is a neat idea to do with chocolate.
Organizing Your Change?
One of the easiest things to do is throw your daily change into a large bowl/container of some sort. But the problem is you have to sort it when youre ready. To fix that problem, buy a coin sorter and either get the rollers in the tube already shaped or free...
Use a "Magic Can" for Odds n' Ends
My dad would take 2- 2x4s long enough to hold 4 or 5 small pint mason jars spaced. Nail the wood together. Then nail the lids of the mason jars to that fixture on all 4 sides. Then put large nails in the ends so to be able to hand from ceiling of shop. Then...