Economical Laundry Solutions
I also make my own laundry detergent. But I use a bar of ivory soap instead of the Fels-Naptha soap. It is a much fresher smell.
Salt for Inexpensive Flea Prevention
So, this did not kill your grass? The fleas have been bad here this summer for my animals!
Glass Blocks with Hole and Stopper?
We found our glass blocks at a building supply store. The lights are just a small string of Christimas lights that you can find anywhere since they are stocking the shelves with Christmas decrations now.
House Training a 9 Month Old Puppy?
What background did he have before you got him? Where was he kept all the time? How long do you leave him alone each day? These questions could help you figure out why he acts like he does!
Snake in Wall of House?
Use the steel wool that you find in the paint departtment that has no soap in it. Good luck!
Using Pine-Sol in a Hoover Steamvac?
I use the lemon pine sol mixed in with some of the cleaner and it gives the carpet a really good smell.
Boiling Potatoes and Eggs Together?
No, I just always put my eggs in with my potatoes when cooking them for potato salad to save messing up two pans.
Make A Hot Dog Pill Pocket
Nope, been there and done that with my 2 labs. They eat the hot dog and drop the pills on the floor. I have to have some canned food and either crush the pill or open it if it is a capsule and mix it in the food. I only use a LITTLE canned food so they wont...
Getting Rid of Mice in the Kitchen?
Peanut butter also works good on mice traps. It does not get hard and fall off like cheese. Keep several traps set in different areas. I would put them in other rooms besides just the kitchen also. Once they get in your home, they like to go everywhere. Good...
Dog Is Scratching Off Her Hair?
Hi Christina, I have 2 labs that are inside children. They are on Comfortis for flea preventative. Since it has been so dry this summer, it seems to have affected their skin like it does our allergies. I got a box of Aveeno oatmeal bath. Stores sell their brand...
Previously House Trained Dog Pooping on the Floor?
Maybe your dog feels like it is not getting enough attention. Have everyone share their time a little more each day. Also, take the dog out more often, especially right after eating. Try to make it be a good walk with the person taking it out, for a little...
House Trained Dog Sometimes Urinates on Furniture?
Sharon, Have you noticed if maybe there are loud noices from outside or dogs barking outside when it happens? Sometimes they just get nervous and that is their outlet. Possibly a female dog outside nearby in heat causing him to act like that? Try to think if...
Homemade Cleaner for Concrete Floors?
I always just pour straight Clorox from the bottle on mine. I rub it all over the concrete good with a broom and let it sit for a minute to soak into the stains, then scrub it good with the broom and wash it off with the water hose. It always gets stained up...
Stop Bacon Splatter
Gosh, I would have thought something like that would catch on fire! I will have to try it. I hate the mess that bacon splattering makes on my stovetop.
Previously House Trained Dog Peeing in the House?
Good luck with that problem. Sounds like you have your hands full. I dont know what to do to fix that one. Except that I would not pay $250 for someone to talk to my dog.
Removing Scented Oil Type Odor from House?
Have you tried washing down the walls with maybe a lemon scent Pine- sol cleaner? When you clean the carpets, put something with a fresh clean scent in the liquid as well. Good luck!
Mentholatum for Muscle Pain
Rita, I have used it on my knee at night before as well. Ben-Gay and Aspercreme did nothing to relieve the pain. Like you, one night I thought about how soothing it is to put it on your chest when you are congested. The warmth it sends into my knee really helps...
Making Pulled Turkey BBQ?
I cut the meat off 2 turkey legs a few weekends ago and put them in my crock pot with a bunch of seasonings and covered them with water. I let it cook all day then pulled it out and shredded up the meat and added the bbq sauce. My husband was leery of turkey...
Selecting A Good Watermelon
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing it. When I go into the grocery to buy my husband a watermelon, I just always pray that it is going to be good when he cuts into it. I have never understood that thumping method. I will take a broom straw to the grocery store...
Something is Eating My Tomatoes?
Have you checked it for tomato worms? They will at up all the leaves and leave the stems. You could try putting some sevin dust on it to deter whatever it is. Good luck.
Dog Chewing Things Other Than Toys?
I have the big wire crates for my 2 inside labs. They love their houses! They sleep in their crates and stay there if I am gone from the house. It also is like a security blanket for them if they get scared. You can put them toys and something to sleep on and...
Getting Rid Of Old Clothes
Good idea Paula. I take things there often myself. They help so many people who really need it. Debbie
Freezing Okra?
Okra is the simplest thing that there is to can. I just cut off both ends and slice it to the desired thickness and put it in a ziplock bag.
We called them May Pops when I was growing up, and they grew wild. We did eat the seed things as well. Have not seen them in years, and might be leary of eating them now that I am older and wiser. Oh, they were good as throwing weapons at each other too.
Planting a Cutting from a Weeping Willow?
I would say definitely on the root hormone. I know that you can root the curly willows in water first. It should not be hard either way. It is almost impossible to kill those darn things!
Bugs on Canna Lily Flowers and Leaves?
I have always heard them called Leaf-rollers. If you break the webbing and carefully unravel the leaves, you will find the worms. Put some kind of bug poison on it to kill the worms or you will have no blooms. I fight them every year.
Coconut Butter Pecan Pound Cake
Paula, the cake sounds great. I will have to try it. Imagine my surprise when I saw that you were from Kosciusko. I am at my office in Kosciusko. Never seen any other posts from close by like yours. Have a great day.
In Memory of Stryker (Wolf/Husky)
What a precious story ! There is nothing better than a loving dog or cat. They just give you unconditional love. I am so glad he lived a long loving life with your family after being mistreated. They are like our children, not just animals. And he was a beautiful...
My Frugal Life: Ask And You Shall Receive!
Donna, God will bless you for what you are doing for those children. I am sure that your heart is swelling for what you have been able to provide to them with the help of friends. Keep up the good work and God bless you.
Cleaning Plastic Outdoor Chairs?
I spray my chairs with water. Then I put clorox in a spray bottle and spray them down good. I get a scrub pad and scrub them good and it gets all the winter crud off. Rinse again with the water hose, dry and you are good as new.
Vanilla Extract for Fish Odor
I always use vanilla flavoring in my ice chests when I clean them after each use. I have even used it in stinky ice chests after my husband put his fish he caught in them. You know, men never wash them out as good as we women do, so they get a smell.
Sunless Tanning Lotion Stained Hair?
Years ago when my sister would flub up a dye on her hair, she would was it with Tide detergent and it would normally strip out the bad color. Good luck.
Transplanting Wild Roadside Ferns?
Good luck to you because every time I have tried to get them, they have died.
Can I Freeze Watermelon?
I made that mistake years ago. I put one in the freezer to get cool to eat and forgot it. When I took it out I sat it on my kitchen floor. It just started a nice trail of water going across my kitchen floor as it thawed. I had to toss it.
What is This Vine?
I have always heard it called an English Dogwood. Roots and spreads really well. Love it!
Getting Rid of Black Racer Snakes?
I will trade you the water moccasins at our cabin for your black runners!
Cleaning Plastic Outdoor Chairs?
I just spray mine down with a watered down clorox mixture , let them sit a few minutes, then scrub them with a scrub pad and rinse off with water hose.
Dog Has a Hot Spot?
I have boiled a few tea bags and let them cool down and hold them on the spot of my Australian Shepherd when he was trying to get one on his back. It actually dried it up since I caught it early. I found it on a weekend and was trying to prevent it from getting...
Can Clothes Effect a Dog's Behavior?
The clothes might have your dog scared to do anything out of the ordinary.
Where Can I Get Free Wisteria Seed Pods?
You really have to watch it when you plant that stuff! It can get out of hand quickly. I tried for years to kill one that was killing a hugh tree it was climbing up in my yard before I was successful.
Annie and Bear (German Shepherd)
Pretty children! My two labs have become my children with my other two legged children grown like yours.
Bottle For Inverting Bundt Pan
That is so strange looking. It would be my luck though that the cake would just fall out on the counter while up-side-down!
Starter For Friendship Bread?
My recipe is the same as Robins. But, in making it throughout the years, I have changed by adding different flavor puddings, choc. chips, coconut, and different flavorings besides vanilla. It gives you something to change up besides the plain for a change. Just...
Should I Use Plastic or China for a 50th Anniversary Backyard Party?
The answer for me would be plastic being outside. They make pretty good plastic stuff now that you could get instead of just the old styrofoam ones.
Other Websites Like Lakeside Collection?
I buy from ABC a lot. They have lots of neat stuff.
Why Do My Ceiling Fan Light Bulbs Burn Out So Quickly?
I had one in my kitchen that the bulbs kept blowing out. I had my husband check it to see why and there was a wire shorting out, which could have been dangerous. Please get it checked just to be safe.
Copper (Bloodhound)
Cooper looks like he is a keeper for your family. It is beyond my comprehension to understand why people do not think ahead of the cute puppy stage when they get a pet. Glad he got a good home.
Scenery: The Pinnacles (Western Australia)
Wow, such an amazing looking place! I am fixing to research it on the internet to find out more. Would be hard to find a word that would really describe it. Thanks for sharing it!
Keely (Miniature Australian Shepherd)
Such a beautiful girl! My son has a regular sized Australian Shepherd. He is so smart and loving! You were so lucky to get Keely and give her a good home, or maybe she was the lucky one to get you !
Squirrels Chewing Through Window Screens?
Why dont you put a feeder close to the window and feed her. She will still have a full belly and you can still watch her!
Moose (Yellowstone National Park, WY)
Beautiful picture you took! Glad that you were not hurt. Those things can do some damage to a person!
Slow Cooker Roast Beef Recipes?
Noelle, I use the cheapest cut of roast. The crock pot will have it tender. Coat with flour and brown on both sides. I cut up an onion ,potatoes and baby carrots and let them sear in the skillet after I take out the roast. Add roast and vegetables to crock...
How Can I Keep a Sweet Gum from Dropping Gum Balls?
Best thing you can do is keep your rake handy and use it often!
Norman (Jersey Cow)
He is Precious! It is amazing what you can do with an animal when you show them that you love them. Keep up the good work with Norman!
Getting Rid of Sweet Gum Balls?
Look up Sweet Gum trees on the internet. Like the pine tree has pine cones, the sweet gum tree has gum balls. They are small round balls with sharp spikes all around them. You would only have to step on one of them bare-footed one time and you would never forget...
Paper Plate Alternative
I am like Shelyn-it has has food sitting on it and I would wash it before I put it bak in the cabinet.
Cleaning a Shower Curtain?
I have the plastic shower curtain liner in my bathroom. I put it in the washer with warm water, gain and Clorox bleach and run it through the entire wash cycle. It comes out like new.
Deodorizing Your Pet Lab
I have (2) yellow labs that are inside girls. I do not have a problem with them smelling, just shedding.
Double Coupons at Fred's Discount Store
Freds here will only double up to 75 cent coupons. They also will not take the ones printed off the computer. The sales girl got real ugly with me when I tried to use some one Saturday.