Identifying a Spider?
Everything that I have read about the brown recluse indicates that they are very small. I dont think the one on the sunflower is a recluse, but I would suggest contacting your local university for their entomology department. You can usually reach them online...
No Luck with Moth Balls
Catherine is absolutely correct. There are many non-toxic ways to deter wildlife without causing injury to humans or the wildlife.
Boric Acid For Controlling Ants In Garden And Kitchen
My only concern would be with wildlife also wanting to eat the bait...i.e., skunks, opossums, raccoons, etc. If the bait is placed in a hard to reach area for the wildlife (but easy for the ants) it would seem to be ok, particularly if only a very small amount...
Safe Way to Move Bird Eggs?
This is definitely a tricky situation for a number of reasons. To really answer the question would take quite a bit of space, so the best answer right now is to contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in your area before even thinking of moving the nest. That...
Deterring Insects from Hummingbird Feeder
Anything that kills insects is also harmful to other wildlife and humans. I wouldnt really trust it being safe, since it is a poison. If it still kills the insects when dry it still has toxic affects. The suggestion for the ant moat is a much better idea and...
Toilet Bowl Freshener As Animal Deterrent
Hello...those definitely do work, however, they are usually made of a naptha derivative (moth balls) and are not good for the environment and groundwater. A safer alternative might be hanging the little muslin drawstring bags sold at feed stores (about 25 cents...
Critter-proof Your Flowerpots and Barrels
Thank you Ellen for a great suggestion that doesnt harm the curious animals. On a side last name is Mahaney!
Rabbits from Eating Tulips?
Hi Amy...There are a number of things to help with this problem that wont hurt the bunnies. These tips also work with deer and mice/voles. They dont work well if squirrels are eating the tulips. I watched a cute little red squirrel one year chomp on my beautiful...
Mice Eating Houseplants?
One of the easiest (and safest for your pets) ways to keep mice out of places is to place unused fabric softener sheets in the area. You can use a spring-type clothespin to hook it on the side of the pot. Dont let the sheet come in contact with the soil. You...
Getting Rid of Bees?
Hi, I agree with frugalsunnie about not injuring the bees. They are definitely a critical part of our ecosystem and a primary pollinator. You might also try calling your local extension office. Also if you Google Pollinator Partnership (which I believe is located...
Number of Legs on an Asian Lady Beetle?
Hi, insects have 6 legs. Arachnids such as spiders and scorpions have 8 legs. Daddy long-legs have 6 legs and are not spiders, but insects.
Moldy Hummer Nectar?
The sugar/water mixture should be heated until just BELOW boiling. You dont want syrup. I keep my mixture in a glass jar in the refrigerator and only put out enough for one day at a time. That way you dont run the risk of mold and bacteria. Be sure to NOT use...
Sage Advice for 2013
If everyone followed such sage advice we could have peace in the world. Thank you for the nice words.
You Found a Baby Bird on the Ground - Now What?
A very informative post, Shawna, and as a licensed wildlife rehabilitator I could not have said it better! Great job! I would like to just add a couple of things: If the babies are not yet fledglings and are on the ground they need to be back in the trees in...
Homemade Plant Markers?
Something you can use are the wooden tongue depressor-type sticks that craft stores sell in big boxes. Use a Sharpie or other waterproof pen and then after the ink is dry you can lay a number of markers on a sheet of newspaper and spray them with a clear spray...
Divide Plants for Frugal Holiday Gifts
Congratulations for giving such wonderful gifts. I myself appreciate a gift that has been handmade. I teach 3rd and 4th graders Jr. Master Gardener classes at local schools and I keep a great many spider plant mothers under my gro-lights all year long to use...
Keeping Opossums Out of the Yard?
As a licensed wildlife rehabilitator I am frequently asked about deterrents to wild animals that are safe and will not harm the animals, people and domestic pets. Mothballs (naptha) will usually work for animals that have a keen sense of smell...opossums, deer...
Ways To Protect Bulbs from Wildlife
I agree with you Dawn that if bulbs do need to be moved the wire can cause a problem. I am now getting ready to move to lily trees that were not happy with their location. Using wire is pretty much the only way that I can protect the bulbs from our squirrels...
Preparing Your Soil in Spring for a Bountiful Garden
In the past few years there have been many studies on the benefits of plowing. Scientists have found that plowing every year actually is detrimental to the soil structure, along with the beneficials that live in the soil. It is now recommended that any soil...
Round Up For Poison Ivy
I also have poison ivy in places where using an herbicide would be a problem. Actually I try to not use them if there is any other alternative. I place 2 disposable gloves over my gardening gloves and carefully pull the ivy trying to get as much root as possible...
Coexisting with Raccoons
Hello everyone! Keeping raccoons from getting on the roof and breaking into chicken coops, etc. is a difficult problem. Trimming tree limbs to make access more difficult usually helps. Raccoons do not seem to be very discouraged with products such as fox/coyote...
Coexisting with Raccoons
Ooops...forgot one thing. As far as locking up food sources, a chain and padlock does work. Just be sure to not keep the key anywhere that is accessible to the raccoons. One of our veterinarians volunteered at a rehab center and one of the volunteers had placed...
Coexisting with Raccoons
Hello, I wanted to impart a bit more information on the situation with raccoons on the roof and with chickens. I asked a good friend who is the head of the raccoon division of a large wildlife rehab center in California and she is extremely knowledgeable on...
Scent Fences for Repelling Deer and Rabbits
I definitely agree with Ellen on using scent to deter wildlife. My only suggestion would be regarding the soap. A much less expensive solution is to buy the small drawstring muslin bags sold at feed stores (about 25 cents each) and put a small piece of soap...
Getting Rid of Black Racer Snakes?
Hi Mary. I know you probably dont want to hear this, but congratulations on having one of the best predators of other creatures that you dont want around. The best and easiest way to deal with the situation is to just co-exist with these little guys. I am a...
Deer and Rabbit Deterrent
The deterrent mentioned does work and is safe to use, however, having to reapply can be a pain in areas where there is frequent rain. I have a couple of suggestions: Take unused fabric softener sheets and clothespin them to bamboo skewers around the perimiter...
Keeping Mice Out of Garden
There are a number of problems with this idea. First and foremost is that the peanut butter will attract many species, raccoons, squirrels, opossums. Also the rat (or mice) pellets cause the rodent to hemorrhage internally and if another animal eats the pellets...
Gardening With Kids
A wonderful article. I teach Jr. Master Gardener classes in the schools to 3rd and 4th graders and also train other adults to teach the classes. There is nothing more enjoyable than gardening with children and watching their eyes light up when they see things...
Overwintering Potted Plants?
I bring quite a few of my plants inside for the winter, since I am in NW Michigan and we get pretty cold in the winter. I have kept some plants in our unheated garage (temps stay around 35-40 degrees in the garage), but most I have in our mud room and use gro...
Snakes of Florida?
Having a fear of anything can be terrifying. If I can share a little story it might help alleviate a teensy bit of the fear. I am a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and specialize in raccoons, but I have rehabbed all sort of species over the years. I found an...
Save Worm Dirt for Garden
Great post Sally. The worm compost is the best. When I teach my Jr. Master Gardener classes to 3rd and 4th graders I have one class on soil science. I have little containers of various types of soil (sand, silt, topsoil, etc.) under magnifiers and I have one...
Growing a Perennial Herb Garden
A great article. There is nothing better than adding fresh herbs to food. Plus herbs can be grown in containers on a patio or indoors under lights, giving just about everyone the chance to enjoy these wonderful plants.
Use Clear Take Out Containers As Greenhouse
Hello...a great post. If I might add a couple of things: the large plastic containers that have Earthbound Farms organic lettuce are wonderful to use. Earthbound Farms has the directions on using them as seed starting containers on their website. The directions...
How Using A Garden Tiller Can Harm Your Soil
This is an excellent article. So many people do not realize the damage that is caused by tilling the soil. I particularly liked the paragraph on the beneficials in the soil and herding. A great article.
How Using A Garden Tiller Can Harm Your Soil
There is a much better way to till and that is to use a broadfork, which has been used for hundreds of years. The broadfork gently mixes the soil without harming the beneficials in the soil. If a garden has done well for 20 years using a method that harms the...
Keep Raccoons Out of Garden
Judy suggests using an electric fence to keep raccoons from corn, which is a good deterrent. There is no need however to entice the raccoon with peanut butter. Im sure Judy is a nice person and just hasnt thought this through. This is a bit sadistic and really...
Frighten Deer with Plastic Bags
You can also buy some of those inexpensive (dollar store) aluminum kiddie pinwheels and put them on top of the fence. Any little breeze will make them spin and it does frighten the deer. Using Irish Spring is what I always suggest to deter deer, bunnies, mice...
A List of Yard and Garden Hazards for Pets
An excellent post. I am a licensed wildlife rehabilitator and specialize in foxes and raccoons. When a predator animal (foxes, raccoons, birds of prey, opossums, even domestic dogs and cats) eat a mouse or rat poisoned by products such as Decon, the predator...
Planting My First Garden?
One of the easiest ways to garden is using the square foot gardening method. There are books available (check your local library), but the basics are: take two 2 foot x 4 foot untreated boards (either 6 inches or 8 inches) and cut them in half. Nail or screw...
What is This Plant?
It appears to be a dracaena marginata, which is a wonderful house plant. It originates in Africa and likes warmer temperatures. Be careful in watering, since like most houseplants they like to have moisture but not soggy.
How to Catch an Opossum
The Virginia Opossum is probably one of the most docile and beneficial of creatures in that it prefers to scavenge on carrion and does not generally kill. There is more of a possibility that another predator is killing the chickens. Making a chicken coop predator...
The Language of Horticulture
A fantastic article. I teach Jr. Master Gardener classes to 3rd and 4th graders at local schools. I talk to them about using botanical names (they love the big words) and I have a little exercise for them that seems to get my point across. I tell the children...
Protecting Wildlife from Your Garbage
As a licensed wildlife rehabilitator specializing in raccoons I want to say thank you for all of the great comments and suggestions. As stewards of our planet we need to always think about how our actions affect others. Thank you!
Can you grow roses from seed?
As rosemom said the seeds may not be the same as the mother plant, but that is not all bad. Many new roses started as accidents. Many years ago I ordered some rose seeds from Thompson & Morgan; the only catalog I found that actually had rose seeds. The catalog...