Dog Shaking Head?
My furry child did same thing and I also couldnt see any type of problem. I let go as I figured might have gotten something in ear that would shake loose where either I could get it or it would come out. Big mistake. It was ear mites and one day unexpectedly...
Retro Decor Ideas?
Sure do thank you for ideas. Gonna go check them out on ebay and also goggle.
Refrigerator Caddy
This is so practical and extremely attractive. Hat off to you on this idea.
Crockpot Foil Packs
Sounds like a good hearty (and very importantly) easy way for getting supper. Thanks for tip!
Home Remedies for Stomach Aches?
First of all, go to a doctor to see if you have an illness that needs medical attention. If its confirmed that it is indeed a simple stomach, try this. My sister (a RN) suggested it and I tried it and it has worked every time. Sip some hot water. (doesnt have...
Looking for Tulle to Make Nylon Net Scrubbers?
I have been thinking about making those little net scrubbers for the bath, as I change in summer when I work in the yard a lot. Although I realize these suggestions focus on pot scrubbers, it gives me lots of ideas for body scrubbers too. Thanks.
Tater (Calico)
I have a baby named Cudi just like Tater. Grabs your heart, dont they? Tater is adorable. Tater sure sounds like an original!
Magic Eraser for Clean Sneakers
This is great idea. Going to get me a Magic Eraser to give it a try on my tennies. I have tried washing, etc. and although they get a little cleaner looking, all it really seems to accomplish is shrinking them up some!
Let Toilet Brush Dry and Sanitize Above Bowl
Great idea. Been doing this for years and just as you said, its more sanitary (and added bonus of keeping the holder less nasty looking) than putting a wet brush back in its holder. Thanks for sharing as I am sure there are others that need this tip.
What Breed is My Dog?
I had a pit/bulldog mix. He was the KINDEST dog around. I was very hesitant to take him for the reputation I had heard about pits. But soon realized that reputation is not a reality. I know some pits are trained as fighting dogs, but then so are other breeds...
Wash Whites Last to Keep Washer Fresh
Good tip. I just do my white load in no particular order, before or after, my others. Will incorporate this tip for sure. Thanks!
Cleaning Up Pet Hair
I have two cats and have this problem when it gets warm especially since they are shedding their winter coats. Thanks for tip. Will use for sure.
Learning to Knit Vs. Crochet?
I definitely feel its easier to crochet. My friend though swears the knitting is. I can do both but I still feel crochet to be easier. At least for me it is. I recently started to crochet doilies with the string thread and its like learning to crochet all over...