Recycle Plastic Bottles to Water Plants
I do the same thing with glass bottles, if you turn them upside down quick as you push them in the dirt only a little water is let out. I recently posted about it with photos on my blog, it may help!
Have a Cash Bar at Your Wedding
My husband and I were married this past September and we had a cash bar. As a matter of fact of all the weddings Ive ever been too (7 in all) only one had a open bar. I live in upstate New York and in this neck of the woods I find its much more rare to have...
Inexpensive Owl Halloween Costume For 5 Year Old?
One year my thrifty grandma had us be piles of leaves by attaching leaves found outside to a garbage bag and hat. I was just in my local salvation army and saw a bunch of costumes and clothes that could be uses as costumes...a fancy dress with a crown can become...
Hair Dye on Clothing?
Ive had similar things happen and most of the time,if its perminant, I cant get the stain out. But sometimes if its the semi-perminant dye. I have luck with using hand cleaner that men use in garages. I just use it like stain stick and it sometimes works. Good...