What Is My Dog's Breed?
Just from outward appearances she does look like a pitbull/mastiff cross but who cares? She is adorable and could come and live at my house anytime!
What Breed Is My Dog?
The shape of the eyes and length of his (her?) head reminds me of a bull terrier, not to be confused with a pitbull. Your puppy may be a mix of the two. Adorable!
Information About Figurine?
Looks like a Hummel knockoff - possibly made in Japan. True Hummels have a bee logo/trademark.
Silence Is Golden
Your essay brings to mind the song Wichita Lineman by Glen Campbell: I hear you singin in the wire, I can hear you through the whine..... Maybe the writer of those lyrics heard it too?
Anyone Know This Little Guy's Breed?
What a cutie! Hard to tell for sure at this age, but looks like theres a lot of Lab in there :-)
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
More hound than pittie I would say, a lovely dog in any case. Im no expert, just a dog lover from the word go :-)
What Breed Is My Dog?
Certainly not much if any Golden Retriever in there - he looks mostly pittie to me (not an expert either!). In any case hes a handsome dog and you are both lucky to have found each other. I hope you enjoy many years together :-)
Finding a Someone Who Makes T-shirt Quilts?
Many community/senior centres have quilting groups who take on commissions to make custom quilts - you might have on in your area.
Is My Dog a Pit Bull Terrier?
Beautiful dog - kudos to you for taking care of him. Definitely looks pittie to me.
Pricing Handmade Decor Items?
One simple way to price things you make is what I call the rule of three: take the cost of the materials and multiply by three. One third covers the materials, one third is your time making the item, and one third is your profit. Hope this helps!
Advice to Help Quit Biting Nails?
First of all this is not a choice, it is an obsession or addiction like any other and definitely not your fault. After a stay in hospital t the age of 3 or 4, I bit my nails for over 50 years and couldnt stop no matter what. I finally managed to stop almost...
Preserving Dried Roses?
Spray them with hairspray. Keeps their shape and colour. Also hang them upside down.
Rustic Apple Galette
Would love to make this - it looks so easy and delicious. What oven temperature did you use?
Uses for Worn Towels with Frayed Edges?
Buy seam or blanket binding, or better still, make your own from fabric scraps. Trim the frayed edges of your towels and sew on the binding. Inexpensive, colourful and thrifty! I have rescued many towels this way and love the way they look.
How Can I Stop Biting My Nails?
Take up a hobby like crochet or cross stitching. Worked for me and i had been biting my nails for over 50 years!
A Plea For The Animals
OMG - this essay should be published in every newspaper in the country. Not that the despicable lowlifes who mistreat and abuse animals can read......
Bring Fruit to Potlucks or Church Dinners
This would also be very appreciated by anyone with diabetes.
Brittney (English Springer Spaniel)
A loving and stable home can rehabilitate almost any dog if you give it a chance. So happy for Brittney and kudos to you for caring!
Finding Free Fabric?
Look no further than your own closet or dresser. Clothing and linens you no longer wear or use make excellent quilting material for beginners!
Buying Crochet Doilies?
Perhaps you could ask the person who owns the doily where she got it? It may well be it was made by someone she knows who may be willing to make one for you.
Stopping Nail Biting Habit?
I bit my nails for over forty years but managed to stop about 15 years ago by taking up new hobbies to keep my hands occupied. Crocheting and cross stitching! I no longer bite my nails and now they sometimes get so long I have to file them down. It might work...
Piecing Quilt Batting?
I make scrap quilts and often piece leftover batting together with a zigzag stitch. I hate to throw anything away!
Is My Dog a Pit Bull?
I agree this adorable puppy is probably not a pittie. There are enough dogs in shelters looking for forever homes - please do not add to the problem by breeding your puppy! Have her spayed, love her and enjoy her company for the rest of her life.
Corned Beef with Potato
Hardly healthy with all the sodium and preservatives in corned beef, but I do love a good corned beef hash!
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
Get out as soon as possible. This man is using you as an unpaid housekeeper, caregiver, cook, chauffeur and heaven knows what else. If he loved you as much as you think he does he wouldnt be planning to leave all his money to his son, and he would marry you...
Use Your Pet as a Halloween Prop
I realize these posts are 10 years old, but I think this is a terrible idea. Pets (especially young ones, ie: puppies) can be totally freaked out and traumatized by Halloween traditions like costumes, loud noises (fire crackers), and all the other strange and...