Birthday Buffet Ideas?
Our birthday parties are usually cook-outs,we ask most of our guest (which is family anyway) to bring a dish and we provide the hot dogs,hamburgers,chicken,which I start buying 2-3 weeks before. Or we just have chips, dips,tuna-salad finger sandwiches and stuff...
Recycled Garden Totem
This is absolutely gorgeous, I cant wait to make theses with my girls. Thanks for sharing it.
8th Birthday Party Theme Ideas?
You could have a fairy party and let them make fairy houses,and find fairy treasures that the fairies left. Or you could do a luau, thats what my 10 year old is doing, complete with coconut bras and grass skirts. We are all looking forward to it. Last year...
Painted Glass Bottles
Thanx, I just made some really cool vases. I took a vodka bottle,painted it white and put tatoos on them,. Now everyone wants one. I just sent it in. They are so cool.
Uses for Shoe Organizers
Yes, I label them. I have tags right above the cans-and on the one that holds all my spray paint I put name tags made out cardboard on the front of the pocket,it was colored coded for each kid, but then they started taking or putting different things,like eraser...
Juice Can Lid Wind Chimes
That is such a good idea. I have been saving lids having no idea what to do with them. I am definitely doing some of them, I am going to try using tattoos on some. Thanks for posting them. Can I put them on my web page, of course I will credit you :)
Decorative Pot
I absolutely love this idea. Probably because I collect rocks, and it looks so nice. I am making two; one for rocks, and one as a indoor planter for kitchen, that I am going to hang it.
Mini Bell Decoration
Oh Sorry,here is how: you need the small pot ,string, paint, polyurethane,bel l(I used small x-mas bell), a small item to hang off bottom, hook or whatever you like to hangI used; pieces from old broken windchime on bottom,and top is from one of those cheap...
Recycling Coffee Containers?
I cut the top and bottom out og my coffee cans, then paint them, waterproof them (in auto section) poly them, and put them in my garden over flowers. It looks like a planter. If you cut top and bottoms off 3 cans, glue together, use contact paper to decorate...
Storing Large Kitchen Utensils?
When I had a kitchen where you could literally turn from stove and be at sink, I used heavy duty magnets to hang them inside mt cabinet doors. I hot glued two to holder and two to the door. I used large cans (juicy juice cans). Coffee cans used 3 magnets. I...
The Joys of Recycling
Great idea. I use the deep meat trays for holding crayons,matchboxes,stray toys. The flay ones we paint and use as signs for kids room and garden. I use mesh bags for the bath toys. To wash dedicates, hold rocks when we go collecting. I give my older ones their...
Uses for Old Tiles
Hi, I want to make the plate warmer with tiles. Do I need any special paint or glaze to paint them?
Organizing Recycling Items?
That is a good idea. My recycling bins are in my kitchen. I recycle/reuse hust about everything, and where the toted have lids. Dont have to worry about weather. My recycling comes every other week. Thanks for the tip, now Ill have more room in my kitchen.