Iced Feeder for the Hummingbirds
Hi, what a thoughtful cool idea! I did the opposite in the the really cold winter days. I live in Tucson and it can get below 0 for some nights. My hummer family lives across from my patio in an orange tree. The parents had 2 babies this year and the little...
Transplant Bedding Plants Quickly
Infinite intelligence is my belief that is the force which gives origin and order to everything in the universe. All living matter evolves for the better and its present circumstances. We are all connected, humans, animals and plants and communicate with our...
Keeping Bugs Away When Sitting Outdoors?
A while back while living in Bibee, Arizona, I initially did not know gnats or as they are frequently known as noseeums here. One day out, I kept noticing these tiny critters just flying all over my face, neck, ears and nose. As I got home, I itched almost...