Removing Masking Tape From Fiberglass Boat?
Use Skin-So-Soft by AVON. Works great on all surfaces! Wont mark or remove paint. .. View related article.
Removing a Label?
Use Skin-So-Soft by AVON. WORKS GREAT! No marks. We recently purchased a roll top desk valued around $1,500 - we got 1/2 off because some goof went and taped the drawers shut with masking tape & it was marked up. From past experiences I knew to use Skin-so...
Need To Change The Top and Bottom of a Display Cabinet?
Antique it. Ruff it up a little with sand paper. Using oak stain,,,buff it on in places, then rubb off.
Tip: Getting New Books very cheaply
I belong to 3 good book swap groups on the internet : ... ... You pay only the postage. I have had great luck in all three groups and have sent and received several great books.
Selling at Garage Sales?
A tip to keep people coming back year after year,,,make up a little thank you for stoping card(size of a bisuness card) and stapel a piece of candy to it. Slip it in the bag with the item purchased. I have people ask me all the time when my next one is. Also...
Uses for Flower Tubes?
My local florist takes the tubs and any unwanted vases,,,in return, she give me a few fresh flowers or a discount on my next order. We both win!
Dishwasher Turns Plastic Pink?
Put a cap fill of TANG orange drink powder mix in and run it through. My have to do it twice for some things. Not sure what is exactly in it, but this works for me.