Moving from California to Alabama?
I moved from Dallas, TX to Anniston. All about 25 years ago. It was like walking back in time. They have not caught up with the times as of yet.
Queen Size Quilt Pattern "Trip Around the World"? This site has a wonderful pattern for the Trip round the word quilt.
Making a Lollipop Tree?
Whats a sure hit for kids and adults alike? Candy, sure. Lollipops, definitely! Lollipop trees are so simple to make and are fabulous for birthday parties, occasional centerpieces or just to set on a living room table for guests. Almost anything cone-shaped...
Tyson (Pitbull)
I have 2 pits. They are also very friendly and protective. Pits have really gotten a bad rep because of the people that fight them.
Getting Cigarette Odor Out of a Vehicle?
Try taking a citur fruit, depending on your favorite smell. Citrus fruit gets rid of lots of smells. Put several pieces in differnt places in the truck. I would suggest under the seats, on the seats (inside a bowl). Leave this for a few hours. Hope it helps...
Removing Contact Paper?
Try using a hair dryer or anything that heat the glue and pull the paper off.
Top Loading Washer is Squealing?
I had a service call at which time the repairman said this was normal.
Recipes Using Leftover Chips?
I make Frito Chili Pie. It doesnt matter that the chips are crumbled up. Frito Chili Pie fritoes chili cheese onion Layer in ingredients into a casserole dish (size depends upon size you want to make). Bake in oven at 350 degrees F. until hot all the way through...
Tomato Blooms Die and Fall Off?
Try using 1/4 of a cup of epsom salt to 2 gallons of water. Go around each plant pour about 1 gallon per plant. It will start producing tomatoes. If you add 1/4 cup epsom salt to soil before plant, you will have tomatoes to give away.
Getting Coupons for Free?
I started using the grocery store ads for my favorite store. It not only has a shopping list that I can click, then print off. It has coupon section where you can click only the coupons you want to print off. Try that with your local stores.
Uses for Coffee Filters
They work great to place under your breasts. They prevent chaffing and dont bulge.