Responding to an Invitation to Winter Formal?
How wonderful that you have been asked! I would suggest deciding if you want to go & if you want to go with her, then reply politely and as soon as possible. I would say in person or by phone was nicest rather than text or email. Best wishes!
Getting Rid of an Intelligent Mouse?
Hi, We had mice last year, and they bred! We ended up with many a sleepless night hearing them scampering about. We used spring traps, but we used Parmesan (yes, I know it doesnt sound thrifty, but you can get a tiny piece from the cheese counter) the trick...
Rubber Band to Save Soap
Great idea. I purposefully dont push it all the way down, but this will be great for the kids, I appreciate you passing this on. Thanks!
Any Good Decorating Ideas For Metal Fold Up Chairs?
I like the pillowcase idea, Id also go for tulle (net) bows in any appropriate colour.