Burnt Tomato Soup?
Oven cleaner as suggested unless its a alum. pot/pan, oven cleaner will eat into it and leave a discolored area that will have a strong metallic taste that will be transferred to food.
Is There A Miniature Jack Russell?
While not considered a miniature there is a short legged Russel, there cute, smart and usually have a attitude but that may be the owners fault, one thing to remember is that you HAVE to be the Boss, there really persistante if they want to do something, like...
Water Heater Shed
Unless I m missing something I see 3 things wrong that will cost you money, 1, the building isnt insulated 2, neither is the hot water tank and 3 the pipes need to be insulated, all to retain heat, if you open the door and it feels warm in there something is...