Dog Pooping and Peeing in House Since...
Keep him on a leash and get him outside as soon as he looks like hes going to go. He goes everywhere with you and stays on the leash for a week at least.
Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
You can stay with tone on tone or add a pop of color but not too much. 3 colors is the rule so you have brown, tan and one more.
Retro Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
The venetians look like a light grey a great color to brighten the kitchen even if you leave the strips whitel
Septic System Backed Up Into Washer?
I think what happened was the washer had no where to pump the water so it mixed with sewar water but didnt really leave the machine. If you live well away from the nearest neighbor, run a separate line out into the yard for your washer water just on top of...
Donating Fabric?
Why not donate it to a food bank? They may have clients who sew but cant afford the fabric.
Craftsman Mower Won't Start?
Either a poorly connected battery ground if you get nothing or varnish in the carburetor if it tries but wont turn over. It never hurts to add C-foam to the gas. Let it sit 24 hrs then try again.
Riding Mower Engine Over-revs?
It may be starving for gas. Add C-foam to the gas. It will clean the varnish in the carburetor.
Electrical Problems in Old Trailer?
Mice may be in the walls and nibbling on the wires. Yes, get an electrician.
Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
You have four colors, one too many. Id go with white paint on the walls to match the white tiles on the floor.
Dealing With a Messy Roommate?
My DIL started leaving stuff around and I warned her that one day shed find her stuff in the bushes. She left several outfits out. Shed had to decide which to work as shed have to iron them. Set up board and iron in the kitchen and left. A few days later she...
Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?
Keep him with you on a leash and when he shows any type of aggression, give the leash a tug. It needs to be strong enough that he feels it but not yank him off his feet. Dont yell at him nor praise him afterward, just carry on with what you were doing. Its...
Training a Pit Bull Puppy Not to Bite?
Should have added. These dogs were bred to bite and were used to fight bulls. That sport is illegal but the biting hasnt been bred out of them.
Identifying a Houseplant?
I believe its called Sansievieria (sp?) Usually they grow upright. They dont need a lot of water.
Puppy Recovering From Parvo Sick Again?
The baked chicken breast may have been to rich for her at 7 weeks. They eat grass so theyll puke up whatever is disagreeing.
Ford Ranger Heater Issue?
Have you checked the fuses? Mine are on the firewall on the drivers side. Easy to access.
Male Cats Allowing Kittens to Suckle?
Cant answer about the male cats but our kitten we found abandoned at 4 weeks would suckle our male St. Bs titty. He kept the kitten clean and its bowels working.
Rights of Person Holding POA?
From a long talk with my lawyer about POA, this is going beyond the POAs authority. Unless the parent has been declared mentally incompetent to handle their affairs by professional medical people, the POA has no authority.
Rights of a Person Appointed POA?
Once there has been a declaration of dementia by a team of doctors, her signing anything is no longer valid. Someone close to me went thro this. He is POA and upon consulting his lawyer the first thing he had to do was inform the banks and provide medical documentation...
Macaroni Salad
If you have slightly dried cheese, grate or cut slivers with a peeler and add. Bits of ham as well are a good addition. I refer to my macaroni salad as fridge cleaner salad. Its never the same twice.
Value of 1914 Set of Encyclopedia Americana?
Value is based on how many complete sets are still around and condition. Probably little to no value. I used to work for an historical library and we got calls about these and old bibles all the time.
Storing Appliances in Cabinets
I too had to do that but instead I built long plywood boxes with a lip. Instead of expensive tracks for a sliding shelf, I bot a few bags of marbles. I also lined the original shelves with 1x2s to keep the marbles contained. Now the heavy appliances easily...
Cleaning Out the Cat Litter Box
I use 1/4 hardware cloth place over a pail. I then slowly dump the litter into the pail. The wire catches the wet clumps and poop which gets dumped into another container. Whatever sticks to the bottom is loosened by lightly banging the pan on the edge of the...
Silver Jewelry Left in Cleaner Too Long?
If the bracelet was plated in silver it may have removed this. Try rubbing the chain together to see if that brightens them up. If it does then you may not have lost the finish. I like the tbsp. baking soda in an aluminum foil pan with boiling water added. Set...
What Breed Is My Dog?
Dog appears to be an Alaskan Husky. They are commonly used for sled racing and are a smaller dog than the Malemute.
Removing Ear Wax?
Slightly warmed cooking oils. Insert one drop and keep head tilted for half a minute. It may take a few days or more but this is what the clinic nurse recommends.
Training an Abused Dog?
You may have a timid dog, not an abused one. Just be confident around her and teach her whatever you wish.
Snapper 285Z Running Rough?
If this is a mower, put some Sea Foam in the gas and go cut grass. Its getting gas when it works hard but otherwise its struggling. The Sea Foam is a carb. cleaner.
Ceiling Fan for Getting Rid of Mold
The mold issue may actually indicate a problem in the attic. Attics need constant air flow from the eave up thro an opening near the ridge.
Organizing a Bedroom Shared by Two Teens?
My neighbor had a real problem with her eldest teen dumping clothes on the floor so Mom gathered them up into a garbage bag and daughter had to take them to the Laundromat, a good mile distant, and carry them home. That solved the problem. If we, as kids, failed...
Saying No to a Friend?
Let them know that your life has taken a different direction and youll no longer have time. Short and sweet.
Dog Pees and Poops In House When Left Alone?
The soiling is caused by stress. The empty house becomes his cage and he sees no way out should a predator show up. They do worry about that.
Maximizing Savings When Shopping Online?
Only if something I really need then maybe Ill shop either in a store or on line. With on-line I always check shipping rates, often at the bottom of the page. Some offer free shipping but pay a higher price than another who charges shipping. Some offer a good...
Cloud (Siamese Mix)
Are you sure hes a mix and not purebred? In some pics he looks like my sons male lilac point yet in the last pic he looks like a Seal point.
House Training a Puppy?
Put her on a leash tied to your waist. Everywhere you go, she goes. Plus outside every hour. If she pees out there, turn her into the best dog in the whole wide world. Youll have to do the leash thing for about a week. Also, no treats, just her one meal a day...
Puppy Pooping in Crate?
Please explain to me how a pup might feel safe in a crate it can see out of. Our domesticated pets still worry about other predators and if your pet can see out, in its mind, the predator can get in and get him. Think of how stressful this is to your pup. This...
Refacing Laminate Counters?
There are special paint on type products for this. Ask at a good paint store.
What Breed Is My Dog?
Look like theres Chihuahua in him. A pugs tail should be curly. My chi carries her tail like this quite often.
Value of Britannica Cambridge Issue?
Nope. Encyclopedias are considered relics of the past. Book values are based on rarity and millions of these were printed.
Senior Dog Peeing on Rugs?
Keep the dog on a leash so she has to be with you at all times. Be sure to get her outside plenty of times. At 15 she may be losing bladder control. Once her scent is there to her thats the place to go.
Nursing Home Ladies Get Together Ideas?
How about an exercise program? I did, the ladies had a lot of fun.
Introducing a New Kitten to Resident Cat?
The older cat may be afraid that the kittens mother will show up and a fight ensues. Just let them work it out themselves.
Replacement Dish for Chop Wizard?
Why would you continue to use them? There are other models that seem to work as well without breaking.
Organizing Sales Receipts
Most till receipts fade even when in an envelope in a dark drawer. When I bot my appliances I took a pic of each receipt which was then filed in the computer. Easy to print off if needed.
Sharing Living Expenses With Girlfriend?
Did she state she should pay less when she said unfair or not enough? If she was your wife would you expect the same? I gather you are getting wifey priveleges.
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
Hes been doing this because you have allowed it to happen. Time to put your foot down - the free ride is over for him. How much stress has this been causing you and your child because the child is aware of how the situation is affecting you.
Sharing Expenses With Boyfriend?
You have become his Mommy and in his eyes, should be taking care of him. Give him the boot, like yesterday. Why should your kids go short so you can provide for Freddie the Freeloader?
Save Electricity with LED Bulbs
That info is so wrong. The expensive bulbs save only a little power and dont warrant the extra expense. Also they last anywhere from 6 mos to a year. When they burn out, its nothing like losing the thin element of a regular bulb. It melts the glass and exposes...
Dog Pees and Poops Inside When Left Alone?
He empties because hes stressed. You lock him in a very large cage, the house, and he cant escape the imagined enemies. He needs a companion to help him feel safe.
Sharing Living Expenses with Boyfriend?
Wouldnt surprise me that hes gone a Honey on the side. He can share his kids with his wife and you so that gives him plenty of time to enjoy a girlfriend. She probably doesnt want his kids - smart lady.
Storing Kitchen Appliances?
For now, put a sticky on each appliance with the current date and it will tell you how often you use it. Often times a bowl and a wooden spoon will do and less washing up.
Need Help with Plumbing?
I bought a house that needed renovation just to bring it up to safe standards. Our winters get to -30 and the walls were cold. Lucky us the wall finish was wall board which we could pop off and reuse. The old disintegrating insulation was replaced then the...
Adult Son is Argumentative?
I told my son that until he is supporting me, he has no say in my home so dont even try. You need to tell your son that.
Dog Has Rash and Is Losing Hair?
After youve been to the vet, remove all soy meal from the dogs diet. Some dogs react badly to it. A friends dog went thro this and was prescribed Prednisone. Little dog wound up obese. When she withdrew all soy the dog was off the medication within weeks and...
Bump on my Dog?
Feel is the bump seems to be contained under the skin or attached to the muscle underneath. No harm done if you apply quite warm hot saline compresses for about 5 min two or three times daily. If it is an abscess it will help draw it to a head. When a head...
Pets and Divorce?
Both dogs need to remain on the ranch. They are working breeds, the collie thinks supervising the horses is his job and the JR gets the rodents. These dogs dont need a lot of nurturing and a few pats and good boys from hubby will keep them happy.
Egg Shell Uses
After smashing the shells put them in a jar and add water. When it stinks thats the time to add the contents to the garden.
Storing Appliances in a Tiny Kitchen
Perhaps the lesser used appliances could go into the upper shelf of a closet.
Dental Work Without Insurance?
Roots canals have become big money makers for dentists. Everyone it seems needs root canals. I broke a tooth and the dentist prepared it as for a regular filling and it actually looked nicer than the original, for the cost of a filling. No root canal bs.
Homemade Lotion Won't Pump?
Air enters the dispensing tube and the lotion hardens in the tube, usually close to the top.
Store Empty Containers in Freezer
Good old zip lock bags. Various sizes allow for portion control. I may blanch and freeze several pounds of carrots in portions then put them in a large zip bag to keep them together. Rather than use marker on the bag Ill slip a piece of paper inside naming...
Resident Cat Growling at New Kitten?
The older cat is warning the kitten to stay away. It probably suspects a momma cat will appear to defend its baby and a fight will ensue between the two adults.
Organizing Little Girls' Rooms?
Perhaps its time to enlist the girls and go thro whats not loved, outgrown, etc. Promise them it will go to goodwill or similar. Then when some of the stuff is gone, thats the time to organize. its their room so keep them involved.
Organizing a Small Bedroom?
If you shop garage sales look for a hanging shoe rack. Its all fabric with about a dozen pockets. Great for holding things besides shoes and it hangs off the back of a door.
Calming a Dog Before Traveling?
Try giving the dog plenty of exercise to tire it out before travelling and doing the same when you stop for breaks. People are usually so busy getting the car loaded they dont think about exercising the dog.
New Kitten has Middle Cat "Tree'd"?
The younger cat may be concerned about the kittens momma showing up to defend her baby. If the cat is feels safer up the tower, why not feed her there.
Organizing Your Pantry?
Unless it can be dehydrated, I dont buy anything until I need to. When the food item is down to about 1/3 then it goes on my list. I may not buy just then but wait if its one of those food stuffs that goes on sale.
Who is Responsible for Funeral Expenses?
If the man she remarried is still alive, he is responsible for the costs of her funeral. Best to have a discussion with both of them. If she paid into the policy long term then there may be funds. You need to find that out.
Citrus Does Not Repel Cats
Bring just to the boil two cinnamon sticks in a quart of water. When cool spray this on the trunks.
Top Shelf Storage Tips for Short People
Try one of those arm extensions with a pistol grip handle. The pincers have textured rubber so grab almost everything. The pincers spread about 4. So handy. My lightweight mixing bowls have a lip so I use the barbecue fork to catch the edge and pull it down...
Keeping Flies off your Horse
My horses go inside in the morning, into a dark barn. Few bugs go in where its dark. They are fed hay inside and wont emerge until almost dark. The bugs arent so bad then. I carefully wipe petroleum jelly near the corner of their eyes and also up between the...
Flushing Homemade Adult Wipes?
If you dont think youd put it in a septic system then best not to put it into the city mains.
Read Your Coupons!
Id begun collecting coupons but discovered that coupons were never for what was on my grocery list. I shop fresh, frozen and a few canned items like tomatoes or pork n beans. I try to avoid all the additives manufacturers add to prepackaged foods. As for toiletries...
Canning Jar Utensil Holder
A visiting family member set this up. Worked good altho someone dropped the knives in, handle down and there went the bottom of the sealer.
Children of Varying Ages Sharing a Bedroom?
At age 8, I shared with my toddler brother. He was in bed and asleep before my bedtime. I had a small lamp to read by but not disturb him. In the morning my mother would fetch him and take him for breakfast while I got dressed. Worked fine with me.
Hoarding Recovery Tips?
A psychologist needs to be involved as theres a whole other issue behind hoarding.
Ideas for Reducing Clutter?
Have 3 boxes handy. Love it, trash, donate. Start at the door, facing it when inside the room and go thro the first things you come to. Keep working to your right. Do not leave the room until you have decluttered for 15 min. no less. Do not try to do in one...
Advice for Dealing with an Abusive Husband?
Often times abusive men chose just the woman to abuse and are fine with the kids. If thats the case. leave the kids with a neighbor and get the hell out. Hell have to get them and look after them as we wont want to be reported for being an unfit parent. Let...