Kitchen Paint Color Advice?
It would depend on what colors you like. I would go to Lowes or Home Depot and pick out some color cards in the paint section. Take them home and put them up against the cabinets (you want to keep) and the floors and see what catches your eye. Or leave the...
Using Green Concord Grapes?
Lay them out and see if they ripen. If not, give them to the birds. They will have a feast with them.
Cola for Limescale Buildup in Toilet
This did not work. I tried it. Left it over night and nothing happened. Just like it was the night before. I was really disappointed!
Wintering an Elephant Ear Plant?
I also have an elephant ear plant, I received a bulb in the summer from a friend, planted it and it is really big now. I am in zone 7, so will probably cut off and mulch as indicated. I have another problem; the leaves have brown spots on them. Does yours? Do...
Use Bleach Once a Month to Keep Drains Clear
I was told that clorox will mess up your septic tank. Kills the needed bacteria to keep the tank working. I can see it working great for the drains, but then if it kills the bacteria in the tank. You fix one thing and mess up another.
Use Old Bowling Ball for a Garden Globe
I have one of these that broken mirrors have been glued to the ball....really pretty. The sun reflects and makes it sparkle.
Install a Carbon Monoxide Detector
Be very careful about telling others your husband is gone weekdays. I live in Greensboro and a friend of mine posted on facebook that her husband was out of town and her house as broken into on that night. She was lucky enough to run out the side door, but...