Gluing Glass to Terracotta?
Hi Cathy V.! Ive done several garden flowers that I made with dishes and Ive had great success with GE Premium Waterproof Silicone. It is 3 hour rain ready and is sun/freeze-proof. The tube reads that it is permanently waterproof, flexible, and shrink/crack...
Finding Someone to Finish Your Quilt Top?
Check Hobby Lobby if there is one near you, and ask one of the gals that works back in the fabric section. Those gals come in contact with lots of folks that do quilting, and Ill bet they can lead you to someone that will get that quilt top done for you. ~ Good...
Chinese Almond Torte
I have no idea what I did wrong with this recipe but what a mess I made. I doubled the recipe in an effort to make enough to serve the torte along with our New Years Eve appetizers. However... instead, I ended up with a house full of smoke, a huge mess on the...