Dead Mouse Smell?
Ill tell you what not to do. Years ago I had a mouse die in my subcompact Opel. My well-meaning dad hung a few cherry scented air fresheners on the mirror to make things a little better - not! Nothing on earth worse than the dead mouse/cherry air freshener...
My Frugal Life: Coupon Class
Great article. Thanks so much for taking the time to post for the benefit of others.
Improving The Flavor Of Tuna Casserole
Sounds heavenly!! I do miss my old tuna casserole days now that I am a vegan. I used to just make a white sauce and add it in with the mushroom soup and can of mushrooms- really made a difference.
Fluffy (Tuxedo Cat)
This is so adorable. Fluffy is a doll. I would love it if my tuxedo boy would let me do this, but hes so skittish. What a cutie.
Easy Indian Food Recipes
Ditto on Trader Joes. I think most of their Indian stuff is a bit more expensive than $1, but well worth it. Try their boxed (foil pouch inside) Palaak Paneer. Its got spinach and paneer (cheese), I throw it on some brown rice and nuke it for 2 minutes- incredible...
Homemade Ice and Heat Packs Using Rice?
I just use cheap white rice in a new tube sock. I close the end with a rubber band- tightly. We have some weve used for three or four years. I guess you could add essential oil in a favorite scent- I will try that. We make pretty big ones so it can take two...
Newborn Kitten Eyes Not Opening?
I agree that a vet needs to be consulted about your kittys eyes- he may or may not need some antibiotics. Also, be aware that fleas can actually cause fatal anemia very quickly in tiny kittens. Bathe your kitten, using mild soap (NOT flea soap), and be sure...
Making Good Brown Rice?
Heres Alton Browns brown rice method- never fails, and I make a lot of brown rice! 1 1/2 cups brown rice 2 1/2 cups water 1 Tablespoon butter I teaspoon salt Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Place rice in 8 square glass baking dish. Bring water, salt and butter...
Artificial Pine Scent?
Yankee Candles has some nice plain pine scented candles and other products. I think you can order online.
Use a Tally Counter When Grocery Shopping
Fantastic idea. I tried this once with an old plastic grocery tally counter thing (my mother used one in the 60s) but it kept jamming and I sort of forgot about it. I am going to pick up one of these today. We have been spending way too much on groceries- it...