My Orphaned Garden Friend
Thank you for befriending this little rabbit! Ive kept pet rabbits for 26 years and they own my heart. Rabbits are such sweet creatures and they like to live in groups. If this little rabbit has lost family, you may be all the family it now has. God bless you...
My Orphaned Garden Friend
Doug, Wild rabbits dont always eat the offerings we domesticated humans leave for them, so its great that your little rabbit friend likes the foods you provide. Their main gatherings are grass, weeds, and tree bark. Im so glad youve taken this wonderful bun...
Getting Rid of Rats Around Rabbits?
Your rabbits should not be living outside even in a shed. Because they are prey to so many carnivorous animals, its much safer to have them living inside with you. If its at all possible, bring them inside where they can be protected and live with you even...
Removing Pearls Glued Onto Wedding Gown?
I used to be the seamstress in a fancy bridal shop. We put the wedding gown on an ironing board as if to iron it. Then we put very damp, clean cloths on top of the decorated sections and waited patiently for the glue to soften them. (Believe it or not, most...
Remedy for Bandaging Thin Skin?
There is a product you can buy in the first aid aisle that comes in a roll. It is a soft, stretchable tape that comes in small widths and it looks wrinkly in the package. When you unroll it to cover a wound of any kind, you can stretch it a little, then the...
Remedy for Underarm Odor?
The best thing Ive found for underarm odor is Milk of Magnesia. Buy the generic kind and put some in a small bottle with a twist cap or a small jar with a screw-on lid. After bathing, put a small amount on your finger and rub it on your arm pit. It works all...
Fruit Flies by Compost Pail?
To rid our kitchen of fruit flies, I shopped at thrift stores until I found a plastic pitcher with a tightly fitting lid. The one I found is made by a famous company that makes plastic kitchenware with a lid that fits the inside the pitcher rim when you push...
Removing Air Bubbles in Wallpaper?
You need to purchase a syringe with a small diameter needle or get one from your doctors office or a friend with diabetes. Fill it with warm water and inject a little into each bubble of the wallpaper. Try to aim at the base of each bubble to keep from ripping...
What to do About Armpit Odor?
More than 30 years ago, I contracted a staph infection in my left arm pit. After that, I couldnt tolerate any deodorant/antiperspirants with aluminum without getting a terrible arm pit rash. I was left with stinky pits all the time and tried every cure out...