Using a Home Perm With Regular Rollers?
I have no idea it this would work or not. I do have a couple of things for you to think about though. 1. The perm solution map damage your rollers. The plastic used may not stand up to the chemical. 2. The clip used, is it a medal one? Will that stand up to...
Repairing Yellow Bleach Stain on Carpet?
This is not actually a stain that you can get out. You removed the color from the carpet. You only really have a couple of options. If you have some scraps of the carpet left: 1. Try to create a stain that will match it. Try coffee, tea, Rit dye, face powder...
Orange Rainbow Tea Food and Decoration Ideas?
Fall Leaves, pumpkins, oranges and citrus fruits. Mums and many other flowers are the full range of the orange color! Food, I love the pimento cheese idea! Macaroni and Cheese if you need a main dish, add bacon or peas or olives, almost anything to it for garnish...
Birthday Party Planning for Family?
She is your mother! Until you have a contract, like a marriage certificate, you owe your mother before you owe a boy friend.
Bleaching Red Embroidery on Wedding Dress?
Be sure to ask before you do anything to alter the dress! She may have loaned the dress to you or even given the dress to you but, she may not expect you to alter it in this matter. The red embroidery floss may be able to be bleached but, it will never be white...
Sewing Pattern for Bed Jacket?
I remember using towels for several things, not a bed jacket but bath robes and swim suit coverups. Look at these pictures and see if you can find the one you want. The owner of the site, Woof Nanny, may be...
Activities for You and Your Dog?
I take my large dogs to a safe place for them to run. I have 3 large, more aggressive dogs, that are high energy. I take them to a local Industrial Park in the evenings and let them run/walk with me. The Industrial Park is fenced and I choose an unused parking...
Kitchen Paint Color Ideas?
Have you seen the Sherwin Williams Chip It? It is an easy web app that you use to find paint colors you like. Simply find the colors in a picture that you like and roll over the picture with the chip it app and it breaks it all down into colors. To find pictures...
Ideas for Reducing Clutter?
Start one thing at a time. I would suggest getting boxes ready to put things in and making arrangements to have those items removed before you do anything else. Than decide on one item that you are going to go through and get rid of the extra. Get every book...
Poulan Pro 42 Inch Won't Turn Over?
Check your starter but also check the starter wires. Make sure any connections are clean and than reconnect them.
Freezing Asparagus?
You must blanch it. Otherwise the enzymes break it down and it does not taste good and you will loose most of it. I roll it in newspaper also to protect those delicate stalks before I put the rolls into freezer bags.
Cleaning Unsealed Wooden Floors?
I have had old hardwood floors for years. I do several things depending on how dry it is inside and out. I have tried an assortment of products and they all depend on the amount of time I have and the time of year. Winter time, the house is dryer and it is...
Caring For Long Hair
I havent cut my hair for over thirty years. I use cream rinse only on the ends and then use a wide toothed comb in the shower. Havent used a blow dryer or curling iron for years. I wash my hair twice a week unless I have been out in the woods or in a river...
Buying Presents for Grown Children?
For Christmas, we give our grown married children AAA. Since they each now have daughters that are 18 years old, each AAA for a family is about $120. We than buy a small gift for the daughters that dont drive, no more than $10. So, our limit is $130. If I didnt...
Irises Aren't Blooming?
Mowing them should not damage them at all. Iriss are hardy. You may need to uncover the tubers however and pull some of them apart. I am not a gardener but, I have Iris as they almost grow wild. The tubers seem to work there way out of the soil, so just brush...