Saving Money on Packed Lunches
Making five lunches a day can be expensive and we all love fruit & nut mix so I make up a big batch and divide into little plastic containers. The healthfood stores usually have good offers on large packs of mixed fruit and brazil nuts, then I buy salted nuts...
Babysitting Advice For 13 Year Old?
Just tell her to enjoy it sensibly and not get the child over excited. The child is probably looking forward to it as much as she is and the adults are the only anxious people.
Starting a Budget?
Hi Malmal, I dont know anything about the envelope method but heres what worked for me. It is not something that will happen quickly but it is something that is definitely worth doing. Step One Take all your credit cards out of your wallet, cut up all except...
Smelly Feet Odor in My Car?
Try leaving some charcoal in your car for a few days, should absorb the smell. But you really need to get to the bottom of it.
Dealing With a Nasty Boss?
Hi Sandy, It really is annoying to work with someone like that and it can be difficult to deal with them. If each day as you are going to work you are ready to deal with this person being nasty, by having decided in advance how you will respond to them then...
Which Paint Company Makes The Color "Shearling"?
Are you sure the color is shearling and not the type of paint, have a look at this link:
Bread Pudding Recipe With Cinnamon And Apples?
Hello Gabrielle, Its been years since Ive had bread & butter pudding myself but I found this recipe through google. Bread and Butter Pudding Butter the sides and bottom of a deep pudding dish; butter thin slices of bread and put in the dish. Sprinkle thickly...
Where Can I Find A Round Rubber Jar Opener?
Hi Holly, Try searching for rubber gripper jar opener and youll probably find it. Heres one link where I found it; Mum
14 Month Old Crying for No Reason?
Hi Michelle, I hope things have improved by now, its terrible to not be able to help a child that is upset and it can be really frustrating too. I know, Ive had three children and understand how upsetting it can be. I assume you have taken her to the doctor...
Dress Well For Less Money
A suggestion for getting really good bargains is to volunteer some time at a charity shop, you dont get paid cash for it but you do get first pick of new items and if youre really lucky maybe a staff discount. So its a win - win situation.
Shopping for Clothes In New York?
Thanks Tanya, I cant wait. Are the Outlet Stores worth going to, a friend said Jersey Gardens is good, anyone got info on that, please?
Shopping for Clothes In New York?
Thanks everyone, sounds like Ill have a great time, now I just have to start saving!
Gift Ideas for a Child Undergoing Chemotherapy?
A few years ago my son was confined to the house for 8 weeks after surgery and he wasnt up to having visitors for the first few weeks. He spent the time making a claymation style movie and it really kept him busy when he was feeling up to it and he had something...
Is Gluten in Rice?
No, there is no gluten in unprocessed white or brown rice, thank goodness, also any unprocessed vegetables are gluten free. Gluten is in wheat, oats, barley and rye and so anything that is made with those will contain gluten.
Softening Stiff Blue Jeans?
Its been a long time since Ive bought a stiff pair of jeans, but as a teenager we would wear our new jeans in the bath so that they would take our shape and add a cup of salt to the water to help soften them. It still would take a good few washes before they...
Is Gluten in Rice?
Do a google search on gluten free diet and you will find plenty of information. I have had a gluten intolerance since I was first introduced to solids, over 40 years ago and would suggest checking product ingredients regularly for changes. For the most part...
Useful Party Favors?
My family did that for a party, we bought lots of different inexpensive, non-fragile items, e.g. little books, pens, pins, feather dusters etc. Individually wrap everything so people have fun opening their little gift, you could also include a childs party...
Finding Soft Bandanas?
I just checked the price of mens handkerchiefs on google and I am amazed at how expensive they are. In Ireland you can buy a 3 pack of 100% cotton handkerchiefs for about 5Euros, thats about $7. (Some are even monogrammed). So if you know anyone travelling...
Homemade Slimfast Recipe?
Why not make a fresh milkshake, it will only take 2 mins and is full of goodness, drink it through a straw so that you drink it slowly and will fill you up more. Use milk, a banana and some fresh/frozen berries, blend them together, delicious.
My 5 Month Old Fights Going To Sleep?
Michelle, I assume your baby is healthy and doesnt have an ear infection, often there is no sign of this other than the baby is irritable. If you havent had her checked out then I would do that to make sure its nothing medical. But maybe its just that your...
Organizing Children's Books?
If there are too many books for a child to chose from it can be over stimulating for them and they may quickly lose interest in the book and want to get another. I would suggest that you have your child select about 10 books and then store all the others away...
A Wine Rack For Bath Towels
A small wine rack is also great for storing magazines that roll up easily.
Grocery Shopping? Food Budget?
Its very important that you dont shop when youre hungry because then you will definitely buy more junk food. Only shop when you have plenty of time to, if you rush around you wont have time to look properly at pricing, its not always economical to buy large...