Deodorize With Perfume or Cologne
I absolutely love the idea of using it on the sides of tp roll. We have guests so often, and this is a great idea. I have to go do it right now. Thank you so much for your idea.
Use Pillowcase When Transporting Cat
I am so thankful for this posting. My daughter just transported a cat and it freaked out in the car. She felt awful, like a terrible parent. I think that this is a great idea. She lives in Africa where there are no kennels, etc. This would have really saved...
Non-steroidal Itch Remedy?
Ive tried Aloe Vera but I was thinking possibly try Tomato juice or an oatmeal paste. These would be temporary but they work for Poison Ivy, so maybe one of them would help for your itching. I feel for you, how frustrating. Hope something we post works for...
Substitute for Olive Oil?
I know what you mean with the Olive Oil. Some brands smell stronger than others. I live in France and a good chef here told me to use Grapeseed Oil. I absolutely LOVE it! No smell, healthy and can actually be used at higher temperatures than Olive Oil.
Neck Pillow Filler Ideas?
I have made herb pillows for friends and family for quite a few years. My daughters friends are always asking for them. I always use flax. It is easier on your neck than corn, or beans, etc. Rice can either burn or mold easily. I buy my flax seed in bulk and...