Recipe for Meatballs With Chili Sauce and Jelly?
Depending on the size of the bag of meatballs, use a medium to large jar of grape jelly and one to two bottles of chili sauce. I have also used marmalade in place of the grape jelly, but that is an acquired taste for some.
Refinishing Hollowcore Interior Doors?
Yes you can. I run a mobile home supply business and I am asked this question quite often. Just lightly sand (you can use a brillo pad) and then apply base coat of Kilz or Bullseye and then paint.
Removing Old Candle Wax from a Glass Votive
Before I use my votives, I put enough water in the cup just to cover the bottom. I then put my candle in. After it has burned, I just turn the candle over and it falls out.
Roasted Potatoes
I fix these alot too and a hint for you, add some fresh or dried rosemary. Really gives then a great taste.
Planning a Frugal Wedding Reception?
You dont say when the wedding is or where it is, so your food and decorations would depend on that. My daughter got married 6 years ago. We are here at the beach so she decided not to go beachy but to use some of the decorations. Her colors were periwinkle...
"Please Ask For ID" On Back of Credit Cards
I did the same thing, put ask for ID on back. Not too many paid attention. In one store, the young lady rang it up and I asked her to look at the back of the card. She asked me what it meant and I told her that she was supposed to ask me for ID to verify. All...
Valley of Fire (Nevada)
My dad was stationed at Nellis from 68 to 71 and my dad, mom and brother made many trips to the Valley of Fire. I remember how beautiful it was. Pictures really dont do it justice. We have been gone from there since 71 but the memories remain.
Bridal Shower Etiquette?
No you should not give her a shower. You have good intentions but it comes off looking self serving. Ask a close friend or other family member to do it. You can help with the planning and even pay for it if you want but dont throw it yourself.
Could My Iron be Leaving Yellow Spots on Clothing?
Here in NC I have trouble with rust in my water. It ruined my brand new bathing suit, but I read a hint on Thrifty Fun to use lemon juice and let it sit in the sun. I had to do 2 applications but most of the stain came out.
Pool Resources on School Supplies
The schools have no right to tell you what to purchase as far as brand name goes. A dollar store pen is just as good as a Bic pen, etc. Buy items on sale; purchase extra and give as small gifts in Christmas stockings or put on a shelf for later in the year...
Make Doll House from Old Bookcase
My husband and I did this for our granddaughter a couple of years ago. The only difference in ours was that he made two doors to go on it. The doors were decorated to look like front doors and we painted the outside like a house. We also put a slant roof on...
Information on the Mother Daughter Banquet Organization?
I dont know about the organization but you can plan your own Mother/Daughter banquet. Just pick a theme that you would like to use, this year we picked Gods Princesses. Choose your colors. This year, different ladies used their good dishes and decorated each...
Increasing Frequency of Traffic Tickets
Hi, I live not too far away from you in Ocean isle Beach. I too have seen the increased patrols but I welcome it. On my travels from OIB to Wilmington, I am almost blown away by the speeding traffic. Also, the driving so many miles above the speed limit is...
Add Longer Sleeves To Summer Dresses
I am glad that there are still parents out there that care how their children dress. As a Christian, I have great concern on how children (and adults) dress today. Some of the clothes are so shameful and make we wonder what the parents are thnking! Many of...
Freezing Meat - How Many Times Can You Freeze It?
No! Once you partially un-thaw it, you need to cook it, then you can refreeze. Partially thawing in a microwave wakes up bacteria which can multiply if you dont finish cooking it.
Christmas Tree Decorating Ideas for a Doctor's Office?
Since it is a combo office, use items that fit both doctors. Perhaps baby items and maybe some baby pictures for the ob/gyn and maybe some instruments (toy or real) for the surgeon. Make it fun!
Blancmange Recipe?
Try re-spelling it. My mom was from England and she used to make it for us. We lost her last October but she left so many recipes and so much love behind. I think is is blacmange
Cooking Instructions for Smoked Ham?
You need to cook it approx. 30 minutes per pound. I roast mine in the oven (any type of pan that it will fit in), covered with foil for about 3/4 of the cooking time, then uncovered. I also put a small amount of water in the bottom of the pan. I then use this...
Keep After School Snacks in the Car
Just remember this: on hot days, do not leave bottled water in your car. The chemicals from the plastic bottles can leach into the water. That goes for sodas also.
Vincent Van Goat (La Mancha)
He is so cute, and you came up with the cutest name! He looks like a mischief maker. Back about 20 years ago, we had 3 baby goats and the mom and dad. All of them were so playful and got into a lot of mischief.
Mickey and Minnie Wedding Ideas?
If you have a dollar store near you, they sell mylar balloons with some of the Mickey/Minnies on them. They would make colorful additiions. I dont know what your wedding colors are, but I would use white tablecloths (plastic if it is a casual reception) and...
Recycle Event Flowers
Also another use. If you have a nursing home in your area, like we do, take the flowers to them. We have done this in the past and they are so appreciative. If it is a big arrangement, you can break it down into smaller ones to be put into rooms of those allowed...
Using Frozen Meatballs?
Take jumbo shells and cook just until tender. If meatballs are large, cut in half and insert one into each jumbo shell. Place in pan and pour spaghetti sauce, of your choice, over all. Sprinkle with mozzarella cheese and bake until warmed through. Serve with...
Reuse Plastic Meat Trays Around the House
Just be really careful when re-using these containers. Poultry is really contaminated and most experts recommend that you not re-use these containers, because even with washing them, they may not be as clean as you think. I believe in recycling and re-using...
Who Remembers Paper Dolls?
I am 52 years old and I can remember playing with paper dolls! They were so fun and gave hours of enjoyment. Unfortunately alot of children dont know how to play without videos or electronic entertainment. It is a shame really because we learned so much creativity...
Ideas for a High School Track Banquet?
I dont know if you are familiar with Oriental Trading, but they have great items with a sports theme at low cost. I use them all the time for church, VBS and even birthday items.