Identifying a Thrift Store Find?
Thanks, Judy! Thats what Im thinking as well. Weird, I cannot find something like it on the internet
Identifying a Vintage Carved Wooden Doll?
Thank you for your POSITIVE thoughts on this gal! Shes 11 tall and her head and body are made out of wood. Ill post some more picks. I got her under garments off, but dont want to rip her dress to get it off.
Identifying a Vintage Carved Wooden Doll?
Sorry, shes 11.5 inches. I think youre correct! She appears to be a Gronertal (is he Amish?) lol...
Identifying a Thrift Store Find?
Thank you! Ill try and research it as a oil warmer & see what I can find out.
Identifying Metal Bobble Head Kissing Fairies?
Thank you! Theyre so fun, I dont think I could ever sell them. But, I will check with a dealer and keep you posted.