Cleo (Shepherd Mix)
What is funny, at one time I called her a misfit, like the (Island of Misfit Toys). She was lost and wanted a home, so many animals out there are just waiting for that special family. Thank you for your feedback.
Cleo (Shepherd Mix)
You know God had plans. He sent you Bruno and we got Cleo. It shows everything has a reason. Thank you for sharing the picture he is beautiful. Just like my Cleo.
What Breed is My Dog?
Looks like he may be a pit/ golden retriever mix. He is pretty, looks to be a sweet pup. When you take him to the vet, ask him or her, they will be able to tell you more. Good luck.
Quasar Superwave Microwave/Convection Manual?
There is a site, maybe they will help. Donna
Buy a Counterfeit Detection Pen for Garage Sales
Thank you! I would have never thought of that. My mother in law always has yard sales. I will pass the info on.